Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Batam ia safe. Things like raid will occur occasionally. Just make sure you don't do things that will subject you to unpleasant experience. For example, don't pick up girls from questionable locations such as disco that is known to be infested with drug. You don't want to bring back someone who might be in cahoots with her "police boyfriend" looking for extra money.
Important things like excess money, passport etc, make sure keep them under lock. If hotel no safe, then deposit at hotel counter. Some hotels like Formosa have safe at their office where need 2 keys to open and that can be good for keeping valuables. What happened to a recent bro who had his belongings stolen by a joint girl is unfortunate. There have been people who posted encountering girls whose hand are not clean, but usually that's just some money taken. I have had money stolen (eg. 50k, 50k x 2) from massage parlor girl before but that's down to my own negligence. Yes, sometimes we also suffer from 大頭症 and forget that we don't know everything about Batam. Nowadays, I just pay the extra 20k-30k to upgrade to VIP rooms that usually comes with attached bathroom so that I don't need to leave my belongings unattended when I need to go pee, which is what happened when my money get stolen. Or I just stick to New Spa where I get proper locker to keep my stuff. There are many gems there anyway.
Places for booking are still open for business. Unless there are complains of underaged girls, these places generally are safe from harassing from local police cos they do pay their dues. They do still get the "raids" though as the police have to be seen doing their job. My girl last night is from Morena, an unlicensed joint, but someone that I had rtf'ed many times. She's the most obedient booking I've had from my cheonging history in Batam. Even then, I also just stick to short timing her most of the time although I'm completely at ease with her. Last night, she mentioned wanting to get a new phone. What asked what phone she looking to buy, not Samsung, not iPhone, not even Oppo but a humble Xiaomi phone. I just passed her my spare phone and she's happy like fuck and kept playing with it entire night. For someone young like her (she's 22), she don't demand a lot. Didn't even ask for tips when she's leaving just now.
Do things that a safe tourist does and you should be fine. Don't forget to exercise vigilance while having fun.
Last edited by miumiu6464; 29-04-2017 at 07:28 AM.