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Old 29-04-2017, 02:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
So how will a girl act if she's really interested? She will accompany you till lunch?.
There are many ways to tell. One of it is that she will usually ask you when you will leave for Sillypore (when you 1st book her) and if you will extend her booking for another night (or 2). But there are still some risk factors tho,extending at times means 1st night is super-ultra-good but 2nd night will be rather crappy,hehehe...i usually tell my girl that whether i extend her or not depends on her current performance.

Usually girls who are interested in me will leave as early as around 10am and as late as 1pm whereby i usually gave her an extra 50k for her transport and treat her lunch (unless i choose to chase them away,hehehe..). Those who left before 9am,almost can guarantee that the girls didn't like their customer or there are likely to be lack of chemistry.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Except when their interest is fake and you fall for it heh heh
This one really goes with experience. So its quite difficult to describe it here in words. Like i have said before,OKTs/batam girls were also looking at this thread. i am almost sure that they read about Nono1973 here talking about looking for girls that "shows interest",and who knows they will ask all their girls or friends to at least pretend to show interest? it is really up to any individual's experience to tell between the 'real and fake' ways of showing interest in this case.

It is also why i mainly show this thread the basics,as many things really depends on experience level and at times,luck. Start the basic correctly (slowly and safely) ,the rest will be luck. Anything more (or kinky) would be base on experience.

Reminds me of my 1st day of school as a kid, the 1st time I go to Night Club KTVs with hostesses that butterfly around, my 1st geylang chicks, my 1st Bar, first time going to hang flower joint, my 1st China and Japan trip etc etc. Those were the days...hehehe...its all like a RPG game, level-up but up to where, only I know.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
At least the happy massage girls walk back with us, but my friend gave 70k to his for taxi, I didn't give Girl #1 anything
Well,your friend may have spoil it for you then.

Illustration : You and me,both become a booking girl. Your customer pays you way lower than what my customer pays me, how would you feel?

In other word,i don't like my friends using money to belittle me in the presence of the girls, so I wont do the same to my friends.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
500k for FJ
I tried bargaining to 400K but she dunwan. I only agree because she agree to my terms oh what i can do to her hehe.
Even tho when i say 100k HJ and 200 FJ,i dont really mean to ask newbie to die hard go for that kind of pricing in hotel massage or men's spa (as they are more atas) but more towards helping them to set a benchmarking. Getting 100k HJ and 200k FJ in men's spa and Hotel massage is definitely extremely rare (very tough to get), tho not impossible. 150k to 200k for HJ with VAS (value-added service) and 250k to 350k for FJ would be good enough. 400k would be considerably on a fairly high side already (on my own target).

I recently read thru my past summaries and was flipping thru my not-so-good memory,i hardly remember paying more than 400k for a fj in Batam before,be it hotel massage,men's spa or those lower range of MP along Utama area. My overnight booking practically never exceed 1 juta before, unless its a major holidays like CNY,hehehe...

I will always remember,if Geylang's Indo girls would cost less than S$40 per pop,500k rupiah per pop in Batam will be considerably more expensive. Is Batam suppose to be more expensive than Sillypore? I would conclude that its 'your' money, 'your' call.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Maybe I'll try this zhao. . But will the girl say cannot extend?
Never encounter such cases where there is a cannot-extend situation after countless number of tries (unless you took package deal from other MPs/men's Spa),hehehe...worse case scenario,let her go back and then dial the MP for another session again if I get rejected. Just look at the per hour damage,10 hours of massage will cost 1.1 juta,hehehe...and thats before the membership discount.

Just thinking about that makes my day already,hehehe...10 hours can mean 10 different girls too. If happy-ending special deal cannot be close due to the right pricing,i just pass need to be so hard-up to pay higher and yet cannot enjoy myself. Am I wasting my time? I go batam to rest and relax, not to rush here rush there, 'time' is something that I SHOULD HAVE plentiful if I aim mainly to relax myself.

S$120 probably only give me 2 hour massage in Sillypore,hehehe...

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
I downloaded google offline maps which helped a lot
The internet access allowed us to find directions to Happy Massage 8 and Goldbird in the field so I guess it was worth it
3 over years ago,i walked round and round at least thrice and yet cannot find Gold Bird,until a kind bro in this forum brought me there but when I go there again in another time,i still have a hard time locating the place.

How I wish someone back then would have taken a few mins of his time to draw me a map to direct me to certain places in Batam when I was new 3 years ago.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Dunno leh I see all the FR about 600k to 900k girls and mine are both 1.1 Juta so maybe its jealousy
Actually,its quite the direct opposite as I see most of the recent FRs (over the last 12 months) were mostly of 1.1 juta and/or above for overnight booking girls,hehehe...think I am getting long winded...again.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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