Originally Posted by nono1973
...hehehe...to be continue...
Tis movie not bad,jus watch it y'day.
I prefer btm better bcs of its wider varieties on gers & places 4 fucking.
Can choose Indo chinese,can choose normal indos,can fuck all ovr the places,in sauna rm,in cinema,in ktv,in swimming pool,spa hot pool etc,...shh...cannot say more here....u knw, i knw la. Eatin & replenish own body 4 better sex without use of men's 'elixir' aso better & more choices. No forgetting,custom immigration lesser extortion 2 tourist,unlike other indo cities. Best is btm got SG consulate, in case hungry polisi & their gers plot *仙人跳* against the tourist wich happen mani times all ovr indo liao.
Nice linkin up & btw,thx 4 sharin which is the best unisex sauna hot rm in btm 2 used 4 fxxking & it's a free 1 sm more. Wait, there's aso tis SG member of parliament TPL look-a-like but i'll stfu 4 nw.
*仙人跳 = sex scheme
Btm is fun!! & safer, at least 4 me.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
1) B to B to another girl? Haven't heard of lesbian ones in batam
Hv! Hv! I tink sm mps will do b2b 4 ladies but problem is findin a couple rm to do the b2b 4 couple w 2 gers is nt easy. Bring a ger along 2 those mps tat do special & u will undstd better.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
2) Nego w the gal, after they knock off, they can go to your hotel. Not all of them willing.
Yes,yes...agree with u. Rmdn time,sure got mani willin takers,jus tat aso mani will run citing rmdn as reason.
i talkin ovrnite ger hor.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Beware of drugs now. Police like to raid for such to get money for hari Raya.
everythg in btm seems like gng slower than b4 nw & raids in indo r everywhere,nt just btm alone. Heard frm gers & news tat manodo,sulawesi ,surabaya & jakarta kena jia lat jia lat tis year leh.
surprise i din't see beggars tis year.