Originally Posted by DDAMn
Hi bro BFOMF5 this hai o is it near DC mall beside the big drain?For the food quality out of 10 rating how many will give it a try on my next home going trip.many thanks.
Bro, the one that u are referring to is Marine Live Seafood, but it's closed down already..
Hai Ou is in a residential area nearby Top 100 Penuin; you can search for "Hai O" in Google map and it'll show u exactly where it is..
The food is quite good and one of the cheapest in Batam downtown area. Would rate the value at 9/10 and food quality at 7.8-8/10...
Signature dishes include 鱼头炉, sambal petai (I love it with prawns & tofu), 三杯鸡, black pepper crab...