Originally Posted by nono1973
Nope,its not of any hassle for me. I would have just replied you "no,its not any hassle for myself" and then close my reply to you. But you may ask me again in your next post, "why so?"...so i replied further.
for sake of nt wasting forum thread space?
Originally Posted by nono1973
A good question,it shows you read at least my previous last few summaries that my girl/s were mainly outsourced (kind-of) out of Batam nowaday. If you were to read beyond my last few summaries (especially the beginning ones),you may also learn that i allow my Batam trips over the past years to pay for itself. (some bros who joined me in my Batam trips will be able to understand better)
Oh ya,letting yr chionging pay 4 yr chionging,end up u onli either pay veri little 2 nothing.
enjoy the best of everthg inn btm,yet b payin almost nothg. Onli u can tink of such thg....lol
But like tat not stress meh?
Originally Posted by nono1973
In a way,if i allow the girl to come to Singapore,then i will have to "pay",which will not be quite in line of with what i have always been doing when i 1st decide to step into Batam. On top of those mentioned,do you know :
Free free free!!
U & yr sustainable chionging. Onli u can tink of tis kind of thg...lol
Originally Posted by nono1973
1. Most Indonesian do not need a passport to travel within Indonesia land? (they use their IDs)
ya,they travel ard indo land with their id card by bking thru travel agencies. U got notice major cities in indo land were quite empty out during hari raya time & towards end of ramadan?
Originally Posted by nono1973
2. Domestic flights within Indonesia is really quite convenient? (and inexpensive too)
Took mayb an hr or 2,if long distance mayb 3 hrs,but their airport inside quite rojak leh...
Originally Posted by nono1973
3. Most Indonesian do not hold a passport to travel out of Indonesia?
Originally Posted by nono1973
4. Making a passport for Indonesian to travel out of their country is quite expensive? (and can be a real hassle too)
Mani indonesian themself aso hvn't got the chance 2 tour all of their own land, let alone out of it.
Originally Posted by nono1973
5. Most Indonesian girls who already have a passport most likely already quite "experience",which i do NOT really like.
Lol...being Sexperience wld mean their pussy no longer as tight,mayb blow whistle inside can aso hear got echo cm out leh...lol. Indo ger more knwn 4 their veri tight pussies...on,i meanin is vaginal pussies hor,not pussy cat pussies hor...lol.
mani indo ger cm until 2 m'sia & sg 2 work,one day serve so mani customers in a day 2 earn as much as possible,hw can nt 'loose' tere...lol. In btm they onli mayb serve 1 or 2 cust a day,smtime even 1 cust every few days 2 a week.
Sm more sm gers can stil do bbbj w their pussy leh...lol
Originally Posted by nono1973
If out of 100 Indonesians,only 2 or 3 owns a passport,i would be limiting my own choices. If i allow my girl to land in Singapore,i also runs the risk of her getting reject entry into Singapore immigration custom. Those chances might look seemingly low but my chances of getting thru Batam custom and not getting rejected entry is definitely higher than her getting into Singapore. Right?
ya,i agree w u on tis 1. U bk hotel rm aldy in sg, sekali yr ger kena reject entry,yr hotel rm in sg & ani money u paid upfront all go dwn the drain leh.
Originally Posted by nono1973
There are of course many more reason/s to add,but the above stated is already enough to cause me drastic-enough hassle if my girls were to land in Singapore,hehehe...PAY and confirm 100% to get "something" good versus PAY and runs the probably likelihood of getting "nothing" at all and/or something less good,...which is better?
well-said! i'll rather pay & at least get smthg,even if it's not up 2 expectation rather than pay $ & yet end w getting nothg. If i pay & get smthg good,tat's of course lagi better la...lol,who no wan tat?
tis kind of reasons i can add more 4 u,plz no tell me hotel in sg is cheaper than btm hor.
food in sg aso nt as cheap,even if i talkin is hawker food.
later my ger say she wan go sopping,then die liao lor...lol...& being a man,cnt always say no let her go,rite?
worse is later she meet her other frens & decide to work in GL sg together,& 'jump arrowplane' dn't wan 2 go back indo,then lagi jia lat...lol. (& worst, got caught by sg polisi)
Mani risk factor is one thg & everthg from accommodation,spending & daily necessities ,compare sg 2 btm,which is more expensive? no need much $ to make the btm world go round,but in sg,tons of $ needed 2 make it go round.
i aso rather go btm,& it'd b much more stress free!!
Originally Posted by nono1973
I analyzed hence I made my choice.
nice video,nice song! & a wise choice!
Realize u onli pick the best (yr suitable).