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Old 21-07-2017, 10:57 PM
hunter23 hunter23 is offline
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Re: Curiosity : My sexual experience

Then someone knocked.

I panicked, without any hesitation or out of ecstasy,i put the panty in my pocket and and slowly zip close the bag trying not to make the zipping sound.I was perspiring and panting.I opened the door trying to hide my bulging dick and the panty as my pocket is alittle bit too small. I was not surprise that it was Ms T.

Ms T : are you okay?why are you sweating so much?
Me : I had a very bad tummy ache but I'm fine now.Im late for my next lesson already Ms T . I have to go now, sorry for using the staff toilet,I really couldnt hold it anymore .
Ms T : alright go ahead..
Me : ( I dashed back to the classroom while she was still talking.Then at a distance , I looked back and saw her leaving the toilet with the bag while searching something)

Alot of things were running through my mind,partly lust and mostly if Ms T were to report me for stealing her undies as i was obviously the last to leave the toilet before she retrieve her bag.

I sat down on my own seat located at the back of the classroom beside the window,basically at the corner.I quickly took out the wet pinky lacy underwear and put it in my bag.I acted normally as if nothing happened .A minute later the teacher came in and the lesson begin. I was not listening the whole time but was sniffing my finger which still have strong scent of Ms T's crotch.A few hours later,the school bell rang signaling dismisal.

I quickly packed my bag and run back home (just a few blocks away from my school).As soon as i reached home, i took my towel and the panty out and went to the toilet and not long after i find my self sniffing and licking the panty and then started rubbing my panty on my dick and thinking about Ms T.Not long after,I had multiple ejaculation that made me moan abit loud but i quickly turned on the shower so as not to raise suspicion.

To be continued