Tried Su Fei today. She is my regular massager. Love the way she massage.
The place is easy to find and carpark available in that building. When the door is opened a long hair with good looking and smiling face lady welcomed me. She is the type I like. Room is spacious and clean with attached bathroom. A massage bed is clean and comfortable. Chose Thai massage style, she is strong and pretty good experience not piano type and almost fell asleep. The back stepping was amazing cracking sound was heard, this is the best I love. Turn over to start massages Penis part and it was pain when come to certain vein including thigh area. She patiently explained what was wrong and shared some tips how to maintain. All those blockage was pain when massaging was done when almost over felt better and relax. She is a humorous, beautiful lady and friendly. Wanted to share and good for those who really want to make it stronger.