New spa batam, at batam city hotel, is just as good. They offer topless bm and pm at a combo package of 460k- which includes facilities fee. They also offer fj/bj at additiinal costs which i didnt take up coz i am already drained. Do check out their instagram profile at, where they would post some of their massuese photos. Facilities wise, I prefer fame spa but for massage quality, I prefer Venus. I usually rent a 7-seater at 300k and drive myself in batam to go back and forth Nagoya and Batam centre- sometimes to Piayu and Galang areas for seafood and sight-seeing. To share 300k rental between 3 (for those book cewek) to 7 people is definitely cheaper than hiring taxis. I really hope next time i can travel with khakis. Do pm me if interested.