06-09-2006, 01:29 PM
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Re: GFE gal
Originally Posted by minmax321
senior, she claim she is coming to msia to take course, and not purposely do prositiution. i know her from my friend, she will sometime do FL when she need money, then she claim she is a part time FL, ok? and thats y she ask me don simply share her number..
somemore, everbody hav their own standard for rating the gal rite, mayb my standard is low, not like u all tailos la...
i got her pic, but donnow how to attach here...
ps: sorry for my poor english again. i already try my best to write FR as all senior here ask me to do so... thx.
Wah, how come you got so many contact one, can share how you manage to get it ar, guess should be more than 10 right?