Originally Posted by minmax321
senior, she claim she is coming to msia to take course, and not purposely do prositiution. i know her from my friend, she will sometime do FL when she need money, then she claim she is a part time FL, ok? and thats y she ask me don simply share her number..
somemore, everbody hav their own standard for rating the gal rite, mayb my standard is low, not like u all tailos la...
i got her pic, but donnow how to attach here...
ps: sorry for my poor english again. i already try my best to write FR as all senior here ask me to do so... thx.
Hahah...dun call me senior lah... there is a lot of PRC who wzant to work here so apply to be student... cos the student visa can be continuosly renewed... hehehe... i know of students... 6 yrs liao in Malaysia...
Cos horr... if she moonlighting only... she can offer threesome meh...
Not questioning ur contribution... just your logic bro... and u dun wanna share her number... but willing to post photo... which is way much worse...