Originally Posted by newyorker88
In Indonesia, 21 is considered old in Jakarta, in batam to many is SYT
That's the reason why Indonesia has many very young MILF,hehehe...and many in this meat trade are mostly sweet (pretty face too),which could it be called SYT, or not?
Originally Posted by newyorker88
In Indonesia, starting age for WL can be as Low as 14, started from Jakarta, when they reached 23 or so, they have toured many other parts of Indonesia, before coming here, batam
This is mostly true in the past,but I hear from some "agents" that brought the girls into this trade in Batam,this rule no longer stand as strong today ever since the closure of Dolly at Surabaya and the pin-down of the meat trade in other major cities of Indonesia.
Many of them today prefer to bring their girls to the Riau island area citing that the regulations were "more lenient". The recent crackdown on underage girls from the trade in Batam is getting more,especially over the recent years. That don't happen so much during the olden day before I started (base on reading).
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Most by the time in mid twenties would have a kid or more. Those who don't free lance anymore would end up in massage parlours, usually late 20s, youngest I ever encounter is 24. Usually start off w contract w the shop, turn over rates are high.
I hear from one of the seniors in this forum that so long the Indonesia girls started their 1st menses ,they are ready to be married off. And documentary in Sillypore has shown on TV that many families in poorer rural villages of Indonesia were very happy whenever someone have given birth to a "female".
Originally Posted by newyorker88
MILF definition is very broad here. Can be young n have kids, or older ladies who are the unwanted already. Most of them retire by age 45.
Ladies who were 40 and above,their massage skill are relatively quite good,hehehe...for a good massage,i would go for them,and thats including dick massage too. But that do not always means a good massage is cheap for me tho.
I can have 2 massage ladies in one single session. 1st hour massage to strengthen me,2nd session on special service,and followed by another massage to relax/ease myself. (since the per hour massage in Batam is cheap)
Healthy lifestyle!
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Those who are older, fat, late 30s can nego hj n fj for prices of 100k n 200k. Don't be surprised that they are damm good n Horny. Much better services than those in 20s.
Yes,many were super horny....watery pussies at the slightest touch too. No need use massage oil to massage,pussy juice is some time sufficient,hehehe...some even squirt off uncontrollably.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Those below 30 are usually the ones asking for prices above 300k, but can nego down
They can ask any price they wish to, its naturally up to those who were "Man Enough" to bring the price down. I believe I read in the old Batam thread, that the girls even ask as high as 800k for a HJ/FJ.
Few years ago when I 1st started Batam,they already dare ask this kind of price, today they would be even more daring. I always tell my friends who were with me,if want to pay an almost Singapore price for a pop,why come to Batam for?
Anyway,its a willing seller,willing buyer market everywhere.
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Those who just come or in early 20s with some looks will be the ones asking high prices to nego down. Those in big spas are the ones with highest price range as they think that they are most beautiful n usually selected ones for their looks. But skills wise, not necessarily good.
Some time,it isn't about their skills being not good. I believe you have been in Indonesia long enough to know that MOST Indonesians were by nature not the hardworking and/or ambitious type. Many just live by each day and goes by hand to mouth. In other word,most are easily contented.
(a contented person is a happy person do apply to most Indonesians from my perspective)
Understanding this "people culture" of Indonesia,i try to look into their key interest in life,and how I could in any way "Motivate" them to work hard for me,hehehe...that's why I often emphasize,Batam is like a game,a RPG. And that's why I don't pay them low for their "hardwork" but more of paying them right. The harder or better they worked,they get better paid off,and "paid-off" here doesn't always have to be in $.
Having said the above,i also tell my friends who knew me, Batam is at most time NOT a place where the higher one pays, the better the service level will be kind of scene,hehehe....
Originally Posted by newyorker88
Generally those who get called to hotel rooms, in spas w facilities will ask for higher prices. That's why I prefer to go to the shop for services.
Agreed with you on this one but still can bargain downward.
My targeted pricing is often 100k hj and 200k fj. Learned those figures from you when I started Batam,hehehe...its now imprinted in my brain and already becomes my habit today whenever I am there.