02-10-2017, 10:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Originally Posted by nono1973
Batam surely have young enough pretty indo Chinese girls (pure breed ones) working in the meat trade but well,sorry...i made promises to the bros who shared with me the good stuffs that i will NEVER share what he shared with me online. i have kept my words till today. Hoping for your understanding here.
My suggestion would be,go around Batam to massage-hop just like you plan to bar/club hop (wont cost much anyway). Come back here to share some information positively. When your positive sharing reputation (not your forum reputation points) goes up in this thread,those "old men" here might just be willing to share those info which they painstakingly found with you.
Then again,base on my experience with Indo Chinese girls in this trade,they were no better than local indo girls. The mainly good things they are better at were simply,their abilities to speak more fluent english which gives better interaction,better in pleasing and teasing me in bed (and during massage),way more hygiene conscious...thats about it. The no-good things are,they can be picky with customers they serve and most do not have a tighter pussies than most local indos,hehehe...
(if i compare Indo Chinese with the PRCs,they more likely lose out in many ways)
Above comparison were base solely on my own experience,other bros who tested them may vary.
Hi Bro Nono,
Thanks for the reply, as what I mentioned in my earlier post that I am planning to go to Batam, so I went there last weekend with my friends.
Will make FR for this trip