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Old 13-10-2017, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
A blessing in disguise i see.
Yep,perhaps its truly a blessing in disguise.

Looking from another angle of view, a senior bro here has PM me regarding this issue that it may also not be the fault of the hotel power socket afterall.

...most of the time this type of short circuit is caused by the equipment drawing high current or short, nothing wrong with the supply.
Get somebody who know abt repair laptop to check ur laptop cooling fan. I use to work in MNC, office power trip alway caused by desk top pc and laptop cooling fan and sometime the mother board over heated due to material manufacturing the pc or laptop.
Actually what this senior bro shared with me is quite true too. I did hear occasional the sound of the fan running at extreme high speed and later back to normal after a couple of mins. Gonna check my laptop fan later.

I am still going to get a surge protector in Batam in my next trip,hehehe...prevention is still safer. But I sure wont be using that power socket to power up my laptop anymore tho. Its my 1st time having this issue,and hopefully its my last...hehehe...when I said I was pissed,i was actually referring at that moment I have to fork out that 700k rupiah,hehehe... true enough,its gonna cost about S$200+ for a brand new original laptop adaptor in Sillypore.

I learned a new word call Ori in Batam...hehehe...

Come to think of it, its gonna burn a bigger hole in my wallet if the break down is in Sillypore.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I am not sure I understood what happened.
Did you see smoke coming out from the wall plug? Did you hear any shot noise coming from there? Was the wall plug ok after your adaptor got burned and was still working with other equipment connected? The maintenance had to do something to fix it to make it working again? The smoke was only from your adaptor but not from the wall plug?
1. No smoke from the power socket.

2. Yes,there was some noise on "that" power socket.

3. Yes,its still working after the tech guys tested it (after smokes comes out from my adaptor).

4. I don't think the maintenance do anything to make the other equipment works again. We only test it out on the lamp ad it still works.

5. Smoke comes out from my adaptor,not the socket (aka plug).

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
If your answers are NO, NO, YES, NO, YES, then I am sorry but the only possible explanation is one of the two below:
1) Your adaptor decided to die right that day (as for humans, death can be sudden and unpredictable)
2) The wall plug is ok, but the power line had a sudden power hit or interruption, which made your adapted to die because of the sharp variation of input tension.
In neither of these two cases, Formosa can be called guilty.
I think you and the other senior bro who PM-ed share smilar view,it is likely to be my laptop (cooling fan) already having some problem (after reading you guys view and thru closer observation).

For your info,the power socket shown on the pic of my above post ( ) really look very old, much older than most other power socket in the other rooms or even inside my same room (I stayed in the same room for at least 3 years by now,hehehe...). They recently moved the table horizontally,hence the power socket can only be seen recently (its hidden away in the past). Previously,it was blocked by the table and not within eye-view.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info