Originally Posted by Kaboon
The got-to-be-the-most-useful-person in this thread is creating trouble for yr helpfulness,be careful bro.
Ok,i'm wrong (no doubts). i don't want trouble on the internet world,it was an emergency or at the least it sounds like it to me when someone i knew in person ask for a joint mami's number and i was still contemplating if i should add the words "name card will be remove by midnight" back then when i make that post (which i actually planned to). I was careless in this case (partly due to the lack of time too).
Rules are rules,when i make mistake/s,i own up. No question/s nor argument is needed. I shall remove that namecard photo on my earlier post soon.
The bro who asked already seen the number,i suppose.
(maybe next time i can try playing with photo password-locking...hehehe...)
Originally Posted by Black Page
Ailing is the not-so-tall Chinese Mami with grey hair?
I got her number. She always hugs me when she sees me  (which happens not so often)
I dont have Ailing's number,like i said so in my earlier post...hehehe...becos....
Earlier today,someone send me the below photo asking me where was the place ,i replied him,it's Bunga, Batam most expensive booking joint.
(i censored off part of their eyes,originally it wasnt edited)

I'm sure you could recognize the middle lady,right? Hehehe...
He ask me on the next PMs where exactly nearby DC Mall is this Bunga and i simply send him the walkthrough i made some time go.