Originally Posted by OttoRocket
- For bros who are non smokers and mind smokers, I would recommend booking a girl that doesn't smoke so that it avoids any unhappiness with the girls. One of the girls told me that if she isn't allowed to smoke, she will try to finish the deed as soon as possible and try to leave as soon as possible. On one occasion where she did that and the man requested for a refund, he was charged ST price instead. Money is still money, but all this could have been avoided.
If say you don't mind them smoking, then the least is book a smoking room that way you can book any girl you like. This way, it'll increase the chances that they will be willing to stay with you even through the morning.
- For bros who cannot make it in the morning and can only reach Batam in the late afternoon/evening. I would recommend visiting the joints after 5pm. Many of the girls who were booked the day before will choose to rest during the day and will only be out again around this time.
All info received from the girls themselves.
Happy cheong-ing! 
Thanks for the fr. Normal i don't quote entire message, but your this last post contain some very useful pointers, though i feel you could have tried negotiating for perhaps the booking fee.