Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)
It's hard to miss the FLs. From Mangga Besar, after u pass thru the gate , u will see a pub and the Prinsen hotel on the right. There will be some cars parked there. In front of the cars and behind them u will see older ladies and some younger girls. The ladies will call out to u, then call over the younger girls. As u continue walking, u will see little table set up selling cigs and gum. These tables are also where FLs or their mamas congregate. Keep going and u will come to KFC on ur left. On the right is where some FLs hang out. During daytime, some young FLs sit at a table in the outdoors sitting area of KFC. One is attractive and speaks good English. Her name is Pipit and HP# is 083898321987.
Keep going and at the corner u will see another cig table. Straight ahead is Pizza Hut. To ur right is the ST hotel. Young FLs tend to hang out at this intersection. One is named Sapiri. She claims she's not Safiri but I think it's the same girl. U can ask around for her. There was another young FL just a little ahead beside the parked cars.
BTW, Starbucks is halfway up the driveway on the right side.
Unfortunately u will have to bargain with the mamasans, except in the case of the KFC ayam who can speak English for herself, but remember to negotiate. Just start walking away and they will come down. U can take them to ur hotel or to the ST hotel, or book them for later to ur hotel.
I haven't seen FLs further up to the entrance to the shopping center. If there r other places, please let us know.
BTW, it's been raining at nite these past days.
Last edited by Siammy; 07-11-2017 at 05:21 PM.
Reason: add info