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Old 14-12-2017, 12:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Let me just add one more pics of Resto Raya into a post.

Now I also don't know to wish them got better business or wish them no business,hehehe...wish them got business ,everything will soon turn out expensive and not-longer-as-good,wish them no business...later they close shop how? Lol....

Guess I can only wish them to have sustainable-enough business.

Clue : Please do not think this summary is just all about food. My theories (and attitude) were often mixed into the spa and massage places that I visited.

Do I go to booking joint?

Do I go to Massage places?

Do I go to Men's Spa?

My answer : YES!

Batam is like a RPG Game,hehehe...

In this trip,there was a slight accident which I wish to take down notes here. My girl who booked her 2 way air ticket from a certain travel agent was not able to fly back to her own hometown after reaching the airport becos the travel agent has failed to pay the airline.

So I was pulled back to hotel when I have already physically reached Harbour Bay to prepare to return to Singapore (just step out of vehicle). I came back to hotel becos I ask my girl to come back to the same hotel from airport too. Upon reaching hotel,i book a deluxe room...well,a apparently a non-smoking one to house my girl for another night while I call the travel agent to give them a piece of my mind.

Settled with the compensation from the travel agent before I left again for Harbour Bay. Lucky for me,i am with Formosa,a lot of things I do not need to pay and also gets to claim "extras" from the travel agent. The bad part of this incident were the time wasted...and my girl were scared the hell out as she also seldom travel out of her hometown.

Thank heaven,all things went smoothly after travel agent arrange the next day flight and I arranged with Formosa for all the necessary transport to get her to the airport. Hehehe...I wasn't able to stay another night tho.Have to take the last ferry back. But I was kind of glad that I am able to resourcefully arrange so many things so smoothly that evening.

This incident was a good experience for me. And if the same or similar things were to happen to me again...I am sure I will be able to do better than what I did on this trip (and in a much more gracefully way too,hehehe...).

Thinking back while penning down this summary now still gives me a cold sweat.

~~~~~~~~~~End of Summary~~~~~~~~~~

Penis for my thought :

1. This year Ramadan was a simple 3D2N trip,but end up having to pay for 4D3N and yet be staying only 3D2N. Even tho the 3rd night was free...but still,i didn't get to enjoy that part.

2. Booking joints were all closed from the front door,but customers were mostly brought in from the back doors.

3. I think this Ramadan trip is pretty much similar with last few years. At least this year I get to try their Break Fast meals which I didn't get to taste it in my last few years of Ramadan trip. I learned that why were there mainly snack food rather than rice food during Break Fast time,hehehe...

4. This trip may sound not too good,but still, its an experience to me. An experience that don't happen to everyone. An experience that doesn't kill me,an experience that makes me stronger and better.....

I guess that's about all I need to record down in this 40th summary, shall be looking to write my 41st Batam trip summary (August trip) hereafter (more on Ex Vietnam refugee camp).

Bye for now.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info