Originally Posted by Black Page
Your question seems easy and to lead to an obvious answer, but it's not.
Actually,you already replied me what i need to know,to bring out my full message. And I thank you.
Originally Posted by Black Page
By the way, on my last time I changed only few hundreds dollars (200? I don't remember), because that was the only cash I had! Overall, I spent maybe 1500 SGD including everything, but I took all that cash from ATMs using my debit card (the Maestro exchange rate has only +1.25% vs. the official posted on XE.COM).
However, this is not the point you raise.
So,in one way or another,you did somewhat convert about or around S$1500 to IDR for your expenses (from credit card or debit card,there's an exchange rate too) during your 1 week stay in Batam,didnt you? That i suppose didnt include your friend's expense of his one week stay, aren't it? S$1500 would be about 50k rupiah x 3 of saving and then multiply it by another 2 if your friend spends the same.
This is what i need to know for me to bring my message across. 1 week stay in Batam with girls etc, S$1500 is about your average spending. Stingy as of the like of me, probably need about S$1250 (a guessing amount),hehehe...
Originally Posted by Black Page
I agree with you that 100r difference in exchanging SGD to IDR in most cases is a significant amount, worth negotiating.
Nah,if its only 50k rupiah on its own,i wouldnt say its not worth negotiating for or if it is but thats only when negotiating was a a few min breeze (50k rupiah is still money). Negotiating usually takes about a min or maybe 2 (especially for the like of me who dont understand bahasa indo). How long does one takes to ask the money changer 3 simple questions, like..."how much is S$ to IDR?" , "how much if i change S$1k (or even S$200 to S$500)?" and then follow by "next door offer same,can you offer better?" ; repeat same 3 questions over next few shops.
Opposite Nagoya Plasa Hotel,one whole stretch of at least 5 money changer shops,its only takes me no more than 15 mins to go thru most of them,hehehe....moreover, these money changers were only less than 5 mins walk from Formosa hotel. (opposite formosa money changer all close during CNY except the one at Linda Massage)
Originally Posted by Black Page
I say "in most cases", meaning:
- if we change more than 500 SGD (50k is a taxi ride, after all), which is the typical expenditure for a weekend;
- if the effort spent to find a better exchange rate is not too much (I would not spend 1 hour walking around the shops to save just 50k, that is two coffees at JCo).
This trip,i was testing out Gojek also call Go car,each one way trip was about 10k rupiah on average,hehehe...50k is about 5 one way trip tho. I gave the driver/s an extra 5k to 10k rupiah tip occasionally ,and they were so happy...even help me open my car door and gave me a name card for future business.
Originally Posted by Black Page
Personally, I would not spend 1 hour of my time to save 50k, but everyone has a different sensitivity.
Wasting money is wrong anyway, but also my time has a value. We have to find a balance and decide what is the value we assign to our time.
i wouldnt spend an hour looking for the most value money changer or took those time to bargain either (i doubt anyone would tho,be it newbie or oldbie),its just like i wouldnt take a 60k to 70k rupiah taxi ride to Batam Center just to save 50k rupiah because my friend tells me he knew of a money changer that is giving him the BEST of the BEST rates in town (unless i am staying within short walking distance of the area ,of course).
From the start,we here in this thread do not know which money changer offers better,but thru this thread,by sharing the rates and places we exchange our currency...we all get to know who offers what. It's like the good info you have shared below :
Originally Posted by Black Page
..but I took all that cash from ATMs using my debit card (the Maestro exchange rate has only +1.25% vs. the official posted on XE.COM).
Otherwise most reading this thread will be changing their money in Sillypore money changer already,and be losing even more. And this is another message i am trying to bring forward too.
Everyone shares a little, put them together, everyone most likely benefits (if they read),hehehe...
A side note (just for you) :
Your room price just increase by 20k rupiah for both weekdays and weekends. Costing 560k and 610k rupiah respectively. (they have the tendency to increase price in silence,hehehe...i am updating) And if i dont remember wrong,you should be getting a free night stay in your next trip and your card should be upgraded to Silver,entitling you some 15% off in hotel amenities, hehehe...