Originally Posted by iicycold
the gravest mistake is 2 let the touts hold yr pp,brother....situation wld've been worse. second mistake is mentality, i tink yr fren & u tink u r all season btm chiongster liao,so surely everythg aso can b ok de....but 4get 2 look 4 other options & hv underestimate cny impact. If BC no tix,can stil go sekupang or hb mah... & u keep yr open tix of tat prev bc ferry company u guys bought 4 nxt time use lor...hope u got learn smthg tis btm trip. 
Tat particular weekend i went to Btm. Reached tere arouind 1pm wib. I already noticed HB departure hall packed with uncle aunty and the rest.
For security reasons etc, i would normally avoid taking last ferry. As it was 3rd day CNY and a sunday, confirmed full. Yet our bro took 2nd last ferry. Seems like a last min thing, not enough time to tink of Plan B. No causeway also.