Originally Posted by iijeetpoon
my buddy got married to a prc 2004,smoothly they got the so called green card for 6 months.another 6 months extention then.they applied for pr but was rejected.
went down to extend the green card 2005 end but was rejected.so lan lan go back for 2months then apply her her back.during this time my buddy face alot of financial problem due to gambling.eventually bankrupt,actually all these while he is having such problem......
I think your friend got more problems and he didn't tell you. Even if he is a brankrupt, ICA most likely will still extend the green card for another 6 months and not simply reject without giving a cogent and valid reason as they had on previous one occasion extended the visa.
Check with him again. Maybe he could have submitted fake documents during the PR application. But then again if that being the case, he and his PRC wife would be charged in court for breaching a statutory declaration during application.
Originally Posted by iijeetpoon
why cant i apply for her to come?wat can my buddy do to apply his wife here for a while.if not its going to be very unhealthy for their marriage.
my buddy could not get his family members to help as they r not close and not in good terms.
hope bros can help...thanks in advance.... 
As she is your friend's wife and not your relative, on what basis should you sponsor her? Husband already cannot sponsor her who can?
Maybe your friend should his MP for help. But again MP only wayang and write in but the power is on ICA.