Originally Posted by BFOMF5
I had the same experience last year. 
Someone there tells me they open for business only during weekends, like Saturday, Sunday or even public holidays,and during early evening. My guess is,they couldnt sustain themselves well.
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
how could it be boring?...
While some of N's customers parading in front of me to go to work each night when I at N's shop.
In Batam,life has a lot innovation,hehehe...
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Your question I really can't answer as I'm not a big spender....
But It does bring out my memory of my working days...while I was in JKT..
My host brought me to a entertainment compound in Hayam Wuruk name like
"something 2000"
They hv VIP karaoki room with attach bed room,dining area, private toilet...
And yes...they hv 金丝猫. IIRC they also hv "human sushi".
Thank you for sharing,hehehe...i guess those will need some special arrangement if i want them in Batam then.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Look like you settles down soon.
There are more girls coming in daily from Nadim Airport than in any other parts of Batam all add together. It would be more like i have chose not to compete with the others rather than settling down....soon.