Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr
I can ustand their aggressiveness. Earning a living. Diff country diff culture. In msia taxis dont behave like tat. Actually nowadays taxis behaviour acceptable though at times quite annoying. Those days when teres no HB we have to alight at batu ampar jetty. KNN..really like cowboy town. Those taxis no diff than holligans. 
It's not good to generalize, but, to be honest, I really prefer the taxi drivers in Batam than those in KL.
I don't mind if they are "aggressive" in trying to secure a customer. I can even understand if an ojek follows me along the street. I can be his bread, and he's hungry. It may be annoying, but nothing more than that.
In KL, all drivers in night-life areas or just Bukit Bintang talk like gangsters in requesting outrageous fees ("20 rm ONLY" is the call, when the meter would say 5 rm). Try to go out of a club in P. Ramlee with a girl and you'll have to push with your chest, literally, to find a way between those tugs.
The best I can do in KL is take a blue taxi instead of a red one if I find one (double fee, but they use the meter, so at the end the fee is the same and the comfort higher), or walk a long way until I find a driver who behaves acceptably.