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Old 15-09-2018, 01:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Exactly and am not sure why others find it so difficult and suggest this and that...
Suggestion is actually a good thing,it helps people to improve in some ways and to have an overall outlook of things that i might have missed,tho not all suggestion/s will be taken due to circumstances and at times,not being in the right time (to bring the "suggestion" in).

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
...still a few unsatisfied to what you had done for batam thread which already commenable...anyway few of them are pesky characters here and no loss to the community if they dun read here...
Helen Keller says

"I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to
do the something that I can do."

It is impossible to make everyone (and i truly mean Everyone) happy. If i were to try to make everyone happy, work wont be able to progress as smoothly. Which is why while listening to suggestion,i am also doing things mainly prioritize on "me,myself and i",hehehe....

This is how i travel to Batam today :

1. I go to harbor front,grab my free horizon ferry ticket from the counter and head for Harbor Bay ferry terminal.

2. Reach Harbor Bay,step out of arrival hall and the hotel's taxi driver waiting outside will bring out an A4 signboard with my name on it and i follow him to board the taxi to head over to the hotel i booked, and free.

3. I reach hotel, change my money,and then start to plan my walk-about. Starting from 3 meals to buying my combat ration to getting girls etc.

Notice i dont go by my own beginner Batam guide anymore? And i dont write my above 3 steps inside my guide. Thats becos what applies to me no longer applies to newbie anymore. (one of these days,i might be able to do away with hotel accommodation in my trips too, i am aiming for zero rupiah Batam travel)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
mod will ensure nobody do any business here without paying SBF...
This would be the mod's job to judge what is "do any business here without paying SBF"...which i also wrote something similar in page one of this thread.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
1. No over zealous sales pitch

I guess everyone likely knew about this. No advertising for a particular place/girl etc etc. Its this whole forum's golden rule,i think this part will need to leave it to the moderator to judge on what are their definition of having an over-zealous sales pitch. If you found anyone with that kind of tone,report them to the moderator.
Few months ago,i just got fine S$300 for throwing a cigarette butts into a drain by 2 NEA officers. I got so piss off (super angry to be exact...hehehe...) and start arguing with them with many reasoning, as there are so many litters on the floor how come they dont go catch them but instead come after me.

Their reply? Hehehe...they tell me its their job, if they are not on duty,they also dont want to fine me. I happen to be there breaking the law,they happen to be there on duty, they have to act on their duty.

What you just said is similar as their reply to me.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info