I was nervous as I made my way up Tropicana. that Saturday night. I think it's natural to be a bit apprehensive when "Meeting the Folks? but these people were nudists! Of course Justin was raised this way and he was all "No Big Deal." Well, maybe for him.
I passed the little "Top O' Tropicana" hamburger stand and took the next left. I was halfway expecting the Cockmans to be living in one of those funky old hippie shacks up on Firewood or something but no! They had a real nice modern home with a spectacular view of the entire SYT Valley! A beautifully landscaped yard and a large swimming pool.
Justin introduced me as "My girlfriend Alexis" and told me "This is my Mom and Dad." So I really didn't know what to call them. I mean...they weren't my Mom and Dad.
Justin's Dad took to me right away. "Well, Hi there Alexis! Justin can sure pick 'em can't he?" He eyed me up and down. I was wearing pale green terry cloth shorts and a little undershirt top. I had no bra on because my breasts are so small there really isn't one that fits me without looking stupid. I have large pink nipples that stick out prominently when I'm dressed as I was that night. I'm used to it and the stares it sometimes provokes.
Mr. Cockman looked like an older, more mature version of his son. Graying at the temples, he still had a full head of hair. He was solidly built and dressed casually in Hawaiian shirt, shorts and slaps.
Mrs. Cockman, she told me to call her Nancy, was wearing a black bikini and apparently had just been swimming. For a woman who had to be almost 40 she had a terrific body. She told me she taught junior high and I had to suppress a smile thinking of all those horny teenagers ogling their teacher's considerable physical attributes. What would they think if they knew she went around nude on weekends!
The four of us got on well that night and the ribs Mr. Cockman cooked up were absolutely delicious. They were kind of trying to get me into the pool but, of course, I hadn't brought a bathing suit. As you might imagine, they insisted it would be no problem for me to jump in nude. The yard was completely private. I was, however, a long way from skinny dipping that night.
When I was leaving, Mr. Cockman gave me a nice hug and told me he was looking forward to seeing a lot more of me in the future. Hmmm.
Well Justin and I continued our hot and heavy romance as the summer progressed. I visited the Cockman's home from time to time and was cordially greeted as "Family" each time I was there.
Eventually the subject of their family visits to a local nudist camp began to come up. Justin told me it was great fun and he was eager to introduce me to his many nudist friends. I tried to explain that it was "Different" for a girl to walk around completely nude in front of a bunch of men but Justin pointed out that his mother and older sister had done so many many times.
Justin's sister Louise, now away at college, had apparently been the first to discover nudism and she'd introduced the idea to the rest of the family over time. I came to understand that there was no way I could truly have Justin without at least giving this a try. But the thought of stripping and allowing total strangers to view my tiny little tits and almost completely hairless pussy was terrifying to me!
Justin continued to point out "That's what's so cool about it! Nobody cares! We all have hang ups about our bodies and going naked has the effect of liberating us from these silly fears."
And so, with great reluctance, I agreed to visit a nudist colony with the Cockman over the Forth of July weekend. I can't remember the name of the place now but it was way down in the canyon, almost to the little village. Mr. Cockman assured me that "First Timers" were allowed to be as dressed or undressed as they were comfortable with. Meaning I didn't have to strip if I didn't want to.
In some ways that just added to the pressure. The Cockman were greeted like royalty at the nudist camp when we arrived and they introduced me to dozens of people none of whose names I could remember. I kept trying to look them in the eye! Of course Mr. and Mrs Cockman quickly got out of their clothes and Wow! Nancy Cockman was a knockout! Her large breasts seemed impervious to the ravages of time. They were firm and ripe, like large oranges with little brown berry like nipples. Her tummy was flat and her pussy was covered with shiny dark brown hair. Her rear cheeks were plump and tanned and her long legs were a delight to behold!
Mr. Cockman, Ray to everyone but me, showed off his manly physique as well. Sporting an even larger penis than his son, he was a remarkable physical specimen for a man in his early forties. I found myself watching Justin and his Dad together and realized this was a sight very few people ever got to see: Two generations together in the altogether!
I knew after only an hour or so I couldn't just walk around fully clothed when everyone else was nude. I began to feel like the person at the beach, standing in the surf up to their knees, but afraid to plunge into the cold water.
I saw lots of bodies in much worse shape than mine, that's for sure! Finally, in the spirit of "Let's Get it Over With and Dive In," I moved over by a large oak tree and prepared to undress. I pulled off my tee shirt and dropped my shorts. When I went to remove my panties, I got them about halfway down my thighs and panicked! I just couldn't do it! I fretted for a few minutes in the shade of that tree and then heard Justin calling me over for a volleyball game. I decided to just go as I was and joined the others dressed now in only my white panties.
Of course nobody paid me much mind. Well, except for Mr. Cockman who seemed tickled at the prospect of seeing me topless. It turns out that Ray Cockman, a freelance photographer, was also the unofficial "Historian" for the nudist camp. He shot several photos of us all playing volleyball and I assumed some of them included me. I was uncomfortable being photographed topless but what could I do?
I made it through the day and, yes, it got easier as I went along. People began to look familiar by the end of the day and I really couldn't say I hadn't enjoyed it. Eventually, I was a bit embarrassed to be wearing my little white panties when everyone else was nude but, I don't know, eighteen years of Catholic upbringing is difficult to just push aside.
"You did great Alexis!" Mr. Cockman told me as we drove back to their home afterwards. The Cockmans cooked up some chicken for dinner and, of course, remained nude for the rest of the evening. I was used to the idea now that they just didn't wear clothes around the house. Still, I had to admit, I found myself wondering what Mr. Cockman's cock would look like if it was hard? And why didn't any of the men get erections? All those naked women right in front of them but nobody got hard? Silly me. I guess it was all due to Justin's earlier comment. "If everyone does it, it's no big deal." Maybe I was the one who had to adjust her attitude.
We visited the camp a few more times during the month of July and each time I became more comfortable with the situation. Still, I chose to wear panties instead of getting completely naked. I began to make some friends there and, Of course, the Cockmans were always great to hang out with. I took to wearing my panties at their house afterwards too while they were comfortably nude.
One Friday night, Justin's club baseball team was playing a tournament up in SB and he invited me up to watch the games. I had to work but agreed to meet him at his house afterwards for a family barbecue. "We should be back about seven." He told me. "I'll tell mom and Dad to expect you."
I made my way up the winding canyon road and was greeted by Nancy wearing a wraparound beach gown. "Ray's out by the pool Alexis." She told me. "I'm getting some Lasagna together and I'll join you in a while."
Mr. Cockman was swimming in the pool when I got out back and, like always, he wanted me to join him for a swim. I pulled off my shorts and top and jumped in with just my panties on. We knew each other pretty well by then and we had fun swimming and goofing together. I eventually got out and dried off. My white panties had become partially transparent in the water and now some of my sparse pubic hair was visible beneath my panties.
Mr. Cockman got out as well and put on his Panama hat and lit up a cigar. Most women don't like cigars but my Dad was a cigar smoker so I didn't mind the aroma.
"At some point you need to work on your 'All Over' tan Alexis." He chided me. I replied that, with my pale skin and freckles, too much sun can be disastrous. Just then, Nancy came out and announced that Justin's team was in the championship game! He wouldn't be back for a while but, hopefully when he did get home, he'd be bringing a trophy!
That gave me and Mr. Cockman a chance to talk. More than usual, you know? I asked him about his photography business and it was really interesting listening to him explain how he made his living.
"Anyone can shoot a picture," He began, "But to shoot great photos that people are willing to pay for, well, that's a bit harder." I couldn't help but ask how he ever managed to develop all the naked pictures he took at the nudist camp and was surprised to hear he had his own darkroom.
"You really have to have the whole setup to make money at this." He told me. "I shoot a lot of weddings and you might take several hundred pictures at each one. I couldn't very well pay Thrifty Drugs to develop them. C'mon, let me show you my studio." He got up and waved for me to follow him.
Adjacent to the pool area was what looked like a converted garage. We walked across the yard in the dim twilight and entered the studio. As soon as we got inside I became aware of my skimpy attire. Here I was, dressed only in panties and Mr. Cockman was naked. My little tits were each pointing in a slightly different direction and my nipples were still hard from the dip in the pool. It felt...different.
The walls of the studio were covered with Mr. Cockman's artsy photos. He had a great one of the towers of the Gate Bridge rising majestically above a blanket of fog. I remembered one time crossing the bridge and seeing it in a similar state. He had shots of Lake Taboo as well, a perfectly wonderful place for scenery. "No wonder he has this nice house and everything" I found myself thinking.
"Now Alexis, here's some photos I usually don't show visitors." He said quietly. Opening a drawer in his big mahogany desk, he pulled out a folder with quite a few 8 by 10 glossy photos in it. They were mostly shots from the nudist colony. There were shots of what appeared to be a beauty contest with several women wearing banners declaring them to be "Miss Tropicana 1985." He had several shots of Nancy and her stunning body. Some of them appeared to have been taken several years earlier and in one, she had her arm around a very youthful looking Justin! Oh look at him! He was about 18 or so and had an "Aw shucks" smile on his funny face. His body was a bit leaner but good and tanned and muscular. You could see the promise of his rapidly developing manhood in that photo.
I was beginning to understand what Mr. Cockman was talking about when he described the difficulty of capturing more than just an image in a picture. Giving the viewer something to think about in addition to the physical things in the photo.
Then Mr. Cockman showed me a photo of himself with his daughter Louise. She appeared to be about 19 and was standing between her proud Papa and Mama. What must that be like? I wondered. To see you father and mother naked like that? But Louise had apparently done it plenty of times and was none the worse for it. I was coming to understand the attraction of nudism.
"Mr. Cockman, can I ask you a personal question?" I said hesitantly. I really wanted to know about this and there would never be a better opportunity to find out.
He didn't speak but just nodded his head and looked into my eyes.
"Well"...I began, "Why don't any of the men, uh, react to the sight of, you know, all those naked women?"
It wasn't spoken as well as I'd hoped but I'd said it.
Mr. Cockman just smiled. "Alexis, when you see so many naked bodies it just doesn't have the same affect. It isn't just nudity that arouses men, it's a woman seen in a distinctly sexual way. For example..." Mr Cockman shuffled through the photos he still held in his hand and showed me a shot of Nancy. This was unlike the others he'd displayed earlier! She was posed on their bed, wearing skimpy, see through panties with nothing on top. She smiled seductively at the camera and was pulling the legband of her panties over to show off her pussy lips!
I was still trying to digest the lurid image when Mr. Cockman addressed me in a quiet tone.
"Alexis, I've been meaning to speak to you about something, honey, and I hope you'll understand what I'm going to say." I looked up from the photo to meet his eyes.
"You've been to the camp a few times now and you've had fun and made some friends, correct?" I nodded yes.
"Well maybe this isn't obvious to you but, well, when folks are all undressed and are accepting of that fact, if someone doesn't undress, well, it can be seen as kind of..."
"Kind of rude. Is that what you mean Mr. Cockman?" I finished his sentence for him.
"Yes Alexis. Now, no one is mad at you or anything and no one has spoken to me about it but, well I assume they are wondering if you think they are all some kind of weirdos or something."
"I'm sorry Mr. Cockman," I replied, almost fighting back tears now. "I know it's way past time for me but, I just really have a hard time with it. I know they all expect me to...to..."
"You know Alexis, they say there's no time like the present." He said looking directly at me then. And, with no further explanation, Mr. Cockman reached for the waistband of my panties and began to slowly pull them down. I guess I should have complained but instead, I placed my hand on his shoulder to steady myself as he pulled my panties to the carpet. I lifted one foot and then the other, allowing Mr. Cockman to take my panties all the way off. I now stood before him completely nude!