Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Passed few days in batam there are a few criminals case happened to someone we know.
Hv heard a robbing case weeks ago.
happen in the early morning an senior sg batam"PR", (friend,s ex-kos mate) been robbed under knife point near SK.
And now.... just withing a week there are 2 incidences of Rob,snatch and one steal case.
One happen last Saturday morning around 10am....
My ex- worker/driver, (now he work as a security at a kos ) been robbed under knife point,
Damages :
gold chain lost
neck injure
The other case.....
Sunday afternoon. at my favorites Gaint Basok stall (near SK) ...
N witnessed men on motor...
Snatched bag of friend from table.
Damages : HP KTP keyCard gone
The 3rd happen last night..
N's neighbour daughter's motor been stolen at P3.
My advice...
Pls be a little careful when in Batam.
!!!!!!DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!
especially the stretch between kupu2 & Sri Candy.
Siao liao...what a time to receive info like this...I am going over tonight, having 2nd thought now. Ferry ticket and hotel already booked.