Originally Posted by nono1973
Try Octopuss Men's Spa, 8th Floor of Pacific Palace hotel,at that kind of hour,i guess thats one of the closest place with massage service available (happy ending as well) and technically,it closes at midnight but try to get there before 11pm (indo time).
Only about 10 mins walk away from Harbour Bay Ferry terminal (from Harbour Bay Mall entrance).
Prices may change (happy hour gone at those hour you reached) so, do talk to the GRO or receptionist before commiting any deal (on pricing,promo,girls etc).
Thanks bro nono for your very helpful piece of info. Just read a post by one of the bro in regards to all the safety issues and so having 2nd thought whether to go or stay put because we are not familiar with the place there too. Thanks for your help bro nono.