20-11-2018, 08:06 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam
Originally Posted by poker
Wah seems like there was already a chat on Wechat scams, I went to create my own one. Let me share mine, of what tactics they use nowadays.
Hi bros, this is unlike other wechat scams whereby you're paying money for sex.
So a girl who is based in China (Beijing) actually, has been chatting with me for about 2 months, so I thought she was an ordinary girl etc.
I know she works in the entertainment (movies) industry, not as an actress, and have been showing me some of her investment portfolios. specific to the movies.
Apparently, in China, you are able to invest in an upcoming movie, and when the movie is showing and near to the end, you will get paid your returns based on how well the movie does.
So she was asking me to combine with her to make an investment of $500k RMB, of which I will come out with $200k RMB and she herself $300k RMB in a movie called "测谎人" but the caveat is that I will have to give her 10% of the profits that I make.
She even sent me a contract that I will need to sign with the movie company itself with details of the movie, bank account etc. to transfer to. (how believable right)
I was thinking, man it looks like the China scammers have evolved because this deal sounds more credible than the other so called scams, and actually got me believing that she was genuinely making friends.
So guys do watch out for similar such cases, of course I have no way of verifying whether it's really a scam and I don't intend to, but just take note in case your receive similar messages.
And after posting about the thread, it seems like another bro here was offered the same 测谎人 movie. Hahaha.
Do share your similar experiences.
wow thanks for sharing. that's an elaborate scam