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Old 08-12-2018, 04:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
after being btm for years,the taxi price finally,can r'ber sm years ago in the forum,tere was a discussion on hw much taxi fare shld be @ hb...& tere was sm debates of 30rb -,nw good
Hehehe...i vividly remember those discussion. I remembered becos i was one of the few who kind of insisted not to fork 50k rupiah or higher for a point A to point B trip from Harbour Bay,hehehe...few years later before my Batam 4th year, 50k rupiah becomes almost like a norm in the thread. I almost forgot how to bargain with taxi drivers since over the last 1 odd year, respective hotels will pick me up,hehehe....some even send me back to ferry terminal too.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
nw go liao...all standard @ used 2 b 50+ - 60 dollar,nw drop til then i count in the ovr 10rb/sgd exchg! mayb time 2 go p
In case you havent realize,food prices has gone up a little...hehehe...chicken rice (nasi ayam) used to be somewhere around 13k rupiah,now its like either 15k or if not more. Same applies for noodles too,hehehe...used to be about 15k to i can find 18k to 20k rupiah noodle in stalls everywhere,hehehe...

1. Ferry Tickets for Horizon Ferries still remains at S$48. CNY period over the last 3 over years remain at $48 + S$12.

2. Hotel prices i regular go seems to have come down by at least 10%,maybe due to competition.

3. Food prices goes upward a little. (chicken wing at J8 food court goes up by 1k rupiah each within a year)

4. Taxi fare on the whole has gone down due to Harbour Bay's 30k nett fare, and other online taxi services.

5. Prices for overnight booking girls from booking joint 4 years ago were between 600k rupiah to 1.3 juta. Its now between around 700k to 1.5 juta. (I didnt put those higher end KTV girls into the similar category when i say this)

6. Handful of dirty category massage shops per hour pricing has gone up by between 10k to 20k rupiah compared to 4 years ago.

7. HJ from massage shops used to 100k rupiah lowest when started 4 years ago,today lowest my friends could get is 150k rupiah (after bargaining).

8. HJ from massage shops so far according to my friends is about 300k with relatively top notch service and they abide to almost all request. 300k were usually massage girl's 1st quote price. But non-dirty massage shops 1st quote price will at most time be higher than 300k rupiah (yes,even for MILF,hehehe..hence bargaining down is required).

9. FJ used to be 200k rupiah which i have tested (and verified by many others in the forum) about 4 over years in massage shops. Today according to friends ,minimum for fj in Batam is at 300k rupiah and more towards older MILF (30 years old and up) ,not SYT. SYT however can still be gotta at 400k rupiah after bargaining. 1st quote by girls usually 500k for those around 22 years old and up. And 600k for those who were younger. Its up to one to bargain downward. Lowest i have seen being bargained down on wechat,massage shops and is 300k (Batam 2017 best records). Booking joint lowest record for ST is known to me to be at 350k rupiah,hehehe...

10. Hair salon (V-salon) prices has gone up gradually each year from 60k to 100k over the last 3 over years too (cut-hair plus hair-wash plus face-wash).

* milf here is referred to "Mother i Love to Fuck"..and do note that most indonesian girls married young,hence there's still a chance anyone could get a 18 to 19 years old MILF. Or one could also get a 28 year old girl who's not married and has not given birth.

**above-said were just some collective info of my own,after i analysis it

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
u got go ngoya hill mall taxi std see the taxi price list? will scare u de,cost ani time 70rb & up within can hope sg tourist wn't b stupid ani more 2 take taxi frm least bcs mall stil no as bad.
Those touts at the taxi stand were very rude and threatened me with loud voices when i tried to take a photo of the taxi price chart. Hence from that day onward,i stop taking taxi from Nagoya Hill Mall front door. I take a one min walk,out of Nagoya Hill Mall parking gantry entrance to hail a taxi if i ever need a ride.

Seems to me Batam's WORST taxi drivers were now consolidated mainly in Nagoya Hill Mall,hehehe...WORST is a strong word to me and i mean what i said base on my very own experience.

* Worst is a strong word. Its worse than just the word BAD.

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