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Old 08-12-2018, 05:24 PM
modusoperandi modusoperandi is offline
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Re: Jakarta 2 {NEW} (old Jakarta Info thread closed)

My time in Jakarta is coming to an end. I leave tmr.

I forgot to mention I met bro hmt13 a couple weeks ago but only got to hang out with him one evening at classic because next day I felt pretty ill. I hope he will post a trip report sometime since he explored BATS and a few other places.

My final thoughts after maybe over 40+ girls from Classic.

I think girl quality is about the same in Classic as when I first went there in early 2017. However, I do think that overall service level seems to have fallen.

A lot of girls I talked to told me that they are required to work 2 week continuous shifts with 1 day off. I don't think all girls are asked to do this but many are.

The result is that many girls are pretty tired. Many stay up until 4am..wake up early afternoon and get ready for 3pm opening and repeat.

Experience is very hit or miss. Most girls insist on CBJ now. Sex can be rushed depending on how tired the girl is. Personality is mostly pleasant in my experience but bro hmt13 had a real bad one in his first time at classic.

I also had a real dud in a threesome experience at classic which is why I don't recommend 3some there. I think girls are much lazier when you ask for 3some.

It's so cheap at classic that I sometimes do a 2 or 3 girl tour each time. I go to classic 2 first..then have a snack break..then classic 5..then i'll go back to classic 2.

Travel Hotel

I also went to travel hotel quite a lot the past week. Their pricing structure is similar. 1 girl : 350k 2 girl: 500k. I never took 3some option here but the girls i've taken have mostly been OK but tend to be a little less attractive than Classic. There are still a lot of girls to choose from (especially after 6) so it's not bad. Mangga Bessar is a filthy area but there is a nice place to eat across (Bakmi 8), Saigon Pho (At main street), and also a sushi place (Shigeru) down the street at RedStar Hotel. I can recommend all 3 restaurants.