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Old 19-12-2018, 11:05 AM
Balaallen123 Balaallen123 is offline
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Re: HIV related question

Originally Posted by Magnataur View Post
TS, i think your symptoms are not consistent with HIV seroconversion, but more into fear of catching HIV.

HIV is very fragile and hard virus to catch sexually.
The chances of you acquiring HIV from each exposure as the top (insertive) is less than 1% in general if you have sex with positive(that's is still without the protection, such as condom, and Prep).
In order to be infected, she needs to be HIV positive and has detectable viral loads and then her vaginal fluids, or blood must come in contact with a mucous membrane, in your case, will be the opening of the penis. And some more, you wore condom. In order for that sequence to happen and sip into the condom, I will say it is pretty much impossible.

The fact that you have the protected sex throughout your sexual activities, I wouldn't be worried so much as the transmission will be nearly non-existence but I will be more worry of STI for you.
The chances of you getting hit by the car is much more higher than you getting HIV in this case.
But to allay your fear, you can go and tested after 28 days. I am pretty sure it will come out negative.
But what are the weird symptoms that you are currently having? I don't know. You need to check with GP for other underlying causes. But definitely not related to HIV.
That's what everyone told me also. I don't really think it's HIV but the symptoms I'm experiencing now feels so weird. I hardly get sick and out of a sudden, I had fever, chills, headaches, enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged tonsils and some sort of secretions coming out from my throat. Similar to phlegm but dark green only if I try very hard to cough it out