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Old 01-01-2019, 11:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
My advice is summarized in two sentences.
If you go to Batam to explore massage and booking joints, avoid CNY.
During CNY period for the 1st few days in Massage Places,this is what happen :

1. In normal days,most girls in MPs and Spas mainly has one and maximum 2 customers a day (each girl). But during CNY time, they have to serve a minimum of at least 4 - 5 customers a days (and for continuously 3 to 4 days straight).

2. When they have more customers,their earning increase. Sounds good for them right? But ,let's not forget Indonesian's culture. Most Indonesian, they arent ambitious like the Chinese or other races. As long as they can put food in their mouth for today and perhaps the next few days, they would be happy. (in a general view)

3. So now,imagine they have to serve more than 3 customer in a day over the next few days (CNY eve,1st and 2nd day) , what would their mood be? (even tho earning can be good) Hehehe...i often believe, good mood helps enhance better quality service. And i havent factor in special service price yet,hehehe...

4. This is the time of the year where Batam has the same number of pussies, but the number of dick doubled (maybe even tripled). Let's not forget the Singapore's foreign workers who are willing to pay 50% and higher price,hehehe...while Singaporean were having holidays, non-Chinese foreigners residing in Singapore were also having the same.

5. So high chance they will "play truant" from work when they feel they overwork. And with that ,the end result no longer becomes same number of pussies double/triple number of dick,it becomes a short-for of pussies handling the double/triple number of dicks,hehehe...

6. For those who dont "play truant" or cant "play truant" at work, what would they do? They simply ask for sky-high prices to force their customers against taking up extras, piano during massage,dont prompt golden question and if customer pop that GQ, then the price is gonna definitely be higher than usual so as to deter customers from making them work. Make sense?

7. Imagine customer who actually took up their higher than normal price becos they really dont have much choice. They also get sub-standard quality service. Why so? Becos the girls were not in the right mood and they were already pretty worn out (very tired).

People ask,why would i still go to Batam during CNY when i stated the above 7 points? Hehehe...i told them,i go to Batam the last 11 months just for that CNY month,hehehe...which i already state in my 4 years ago,3 years ago and 2 years ago CNY Batam CNY trips summary,hehehe...

11 months a year over 4 years to seek solution/s (plus fun) for my future CNYs in Batam. And reason why i had it pen down in the forum,'s my solution/s.

1. If i want better quality service,i choose to book a longer hours for the massage service. I mean 1 hour massage usually cost between 70k to 120k per hour. I book their service for 3 to 5 hours. Yes,it will still cost more than usual but for an extra S$14 to S$25,they girls can rest and relax in the room,no rush,no stress out and allowing the massage girls to relax themselves too (both psychologically and physically).

2. Be the 1st customer of the day in the shop,hehehe...this is a really no brainer solution. 1st customer of the day,the girls were at their poorest, most energies and not to say, "cleanest" (as in bodily clean,hehehe..). Believe me, no one wants to lose their 1st customer of the day,hehehe...or meet/make an unhappy one.

3. This solution is what i have been working on over the last 4 years. I have make out a list of MPs that not many people would want go to. Others may think they are lousy,no good, big fat old ugly fatso in them,hehehe...remember i said before, a pretty girl in a group of big fat old or ugly girls shines brightly,hehehe...and in every MP with big fat old and ugly girls,surely there will be 1 or 2 not bad looking ones.

I guess 3 solutions should be sufficient,hehehe...these solution can be mix and match. Example, i can mix number 3 and number 1 together. Get their best and book her for 3 to 5 hours etc etc. I dont like to pay a high price to get lousy service, but i can accept paying in between high and low and get good quality service.

Just sharing my own experience on MPs during CNY.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
If you go to Batam to meet some girls who you befriended before, or if you wish to try your luck and meet some new friends at pubs and disco, go on CNY. Expect harsh competition though.
Heavy competition not just in pubs and disco,it happens in booking joints too. Especially non-Chinese foreign workers from Sillypore who are willing to fork out much more just for the sake of competing (at times,they shared among themselves).

For booking joints during CNY...

1. Lots of girls will be readied to be standby for overnight booking and lots of customers will be there in the early hours (11am onward),be it Singaporean or Foreign workers from Singapore.

About 1pm onward,is the best time to see their non-displayed girls that were already pre-booked advance by their regular customers.

2. Prices will be higher than the norm by at least 20%+ and even quoted higher for non-Singaporean, one may have read, most if not all Indo girls dont like the idea of getting bonk by foreign workers,especially much so for the younger ones. Their prefer choice is still customers from the west (ang moh) or malays from Malaysia or Singapore. Singapore Chinese is probably their next in line and lastly would be Singapore's Foreign workers,hence the higher pricing.

3. Most Batam regulars in Batam would likely have booked their girls in advance,either during before CNY time or via a call to their private line. So,i expected the best and better to be gone the moment i step in,hehehe...but i do take the opportunity to take a look at their "best and better" girls that wasnt on display during those time (for future sake).

4. Most girls,beautiful young ones i see after 5pm to 6pm would likely be rejects or runaways. Some unethical OKTs in booking joints would encourage girls to quickly finish their 2 to 3 shots with their early bird customers so that they can come back to booking joint to take another booking on the same day.

This is the time of the year where one can see the true color of a booking joint operation and girls who "fell sick" after taking up the booking. At least for me,it is...hehehe...check my signature for places i would avoid and didnt take them out even after 4 over years in Batam.

5. Most if not all OKTs in booking joint/s dont entertain return/exchange/complains during the CNY period (especially during CNY eve, 1st 3 to 4 days of CNY),hehehe...

What i usually do during CNY time...

I dont really have a solution for newbie/s during the CNY period but what i usually do is, like all regular overnight booking joint-lover bros who is in Batam,i booked them in advance. I simply source for the "good and better" a month or 2 in advance (sometimes 3 months in advance). And i would have another one for standby in case the 1st failed me.

Alternatively, if all else fail,i go for massage girls. The really better one of course, and try to book them for overnight. As mentioned earlier, they were tired out (from nearly non-stopping of massaging their customer during the period),getting an overnight girl from MPs would be able to help them rest and yet earn the almost same amount of money they would have for the whole day of massaging.

Fake falling sick from work is better than fake falling sick from a good customer booking (and runaway),hehehe...

Again,above is solely my experience and meant for sharing only (tho not really in details)...hehehe...other than my 1st Batam CNY trip ,the other 3 has been enjoyable for me. And i am looking forward to my 5th as i type,hehehe...

Wish everyone reading this thread a Happy 2019 New Year.

Enjoy Batam....


Additional CNY info on Ferry tickets, Flight and exchange rate:

Do note that most money changes in Batam will be closed during CNY eve and the beginning 1st 2 to 3 days,hence exchange rate wont be as good as the other normal days in Batam. At times,even Singapore money changer can offer better,as compare to Batam's money changer (only happens during CNY period).

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Last edited by nono1973; 11-01-2019 at 05:30 PM.