Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah
Actually you'll see this kind of notice in many places.
Just happen to find one for Indomaret.
Free if cashier never give receipt (struk belanja)
Thx for sharing and now, that is the problem with me, being unable to understand bahasa.
The menu price is however different from the price i have to foot tho,my guess is the price on menu isnt tax inclusive.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464
In the city I'm going to be staying at, free coffee if no smile from cashier.
Wow! This is truly unique indeed,hehehe...
I dont know if you still remember, we went for a movie at Harbour Bay Mall once before, few years back, you asked the male cashier why their officially online say CGV is suppose to screen A movie but when we turn up at the theater, there was no A movie screening at all? You gave that cashier a piece of your mind and he is still smiling at us "hypocritically".
That kind of smile really scare me and that kind of situation might have tick me off if i am in Singapore. Just imagine, i am launching a verbal complain to the guy in charge how come A movie is post on CGV website but yet no such titled movie was screening and the person whom i talked to actually smiled so very happily at me apologizing.
Anyway,i dont see that same guy working there anymore.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464
Hey heh... Need to meet you for coffee soon...
Sure, if you are free, feel free to look into Indonesia's version of carousel-kind of sites,hehehe...you might just be surprise many items shown in those sites were relatively higher priced as compare to retail shops. Especially so for 2nd hand stuffs,hehehe....market is big and demands were high.
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Ya oso make sure u don't get the green one or the white-and-pink one.
Noted..i test out the orange ticket upon my return and it works!
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Remember at first it was February then March now you got the April one...
Looks like the promotion will go on as the expiry extended.

I did ask them for any May/June/July ones, but they didnt have. I would love to buy more but i rarely visit Batam more than twice a month.
Best part of it all , they spoke my language,hehehe...so communication is a breeze.