Originally Posted by alphaalpha7373
yep, not all the time, the 2 girls will be book at same time. If the girls not enough milk sometime they can only take in 1 customer each but no susu massage. That's what they tell me.
actualli hor, tere's 3 milk ger in the shp, jus tat 2 of em work together beter with one customer.
Originally Posted by alphaalpha7373
I went there for 2nd helping next day & couldn't even get any 1 of them & cashier tells me if i still want, need wait 1 hour for it. i didn't try the rest.
u happen 2 b suay tat day la,nxt time get their phone no & sms b4 hand 2 avoid disappointment lor...lol...hw? nxt mth wan go agn? I tink brother leo beside join us nxt mth, he cn't tahan & ownself go tere y'day liao....lol
hope u no cum back sg disppointed bcs i not tere ma....lol