Big plan :
...and explaining it a little further...
Originally Posted by nono1973
My own BIG Plan,hehehe...
1. Making sure my asset's yield in Singapore can cover my expenses in Batam. I have been talking about this since the 1st day i am in Batam (refer to my 1st few summaries), about allowing Batam (not Singapore) to pay for Batam itself (thats like about 5 years ago?). Sustainable cheonging,hehehe...remember?
Batam isnt as expensive as most would think (comparing with Singapore of course) if one truly knows the way around. Living in Batam and its sustainability can easily be achieved with some simple buying and selling (at least for now,it is). I am talking about living expenses, ferry tickets, hotels, girls etc etc...
1. Ferry tickets : I buy and sell "stuffs" to buy my ferry tickets (now i have new ways to trade ferry tickets, orange to blue ones, ones for the expensive version)
2. Hotels : I plan to buy a permanent place to stay in so i dont have to pay for hotel after losing my current job which pays for it. Jobs are afterall jobs, they arent gonna last forever.
3. Girls : I guess the few extra units of rental yield (from batam) should cover that part. The girls can also help me work on things that helps me earn money w/o the need to sell their body to other men to make a living too, eg. Help me sell electronic stuffs online in Indonesia platform a bit a time? etc etc..
Now,what do i do with my "extras" from my Singapore assets?
Read on...
(they were meant for bigger things...)
Originally Posted by nono1973
At my later time when i were to add in my Singapore's assets, i should have more than enough,ultimately still trying to let batam pay for batam but this time,its for my female caretakers aka butler. 
I guess by the time my plan is fully executed, i wont be as young as i am today. I probably need someone to move me around,do the cooking, clean and maintain my units etc? (ok,its a bit exaggerating here but i am counting on "what if..")
Originally Posted by nono1973
2. Making sure i have enough saving from Singapore to splurge (minus those Batam property thingy mentioned in the thread),hehehe...whatever i cant spend finish dont belongs to me anymore when i pass on ,right?
This is where the Singapore asset's extras step in. I dont wish to stinge anymore at the remaining of my life... (i have been stingy all these time, remember?)
Originally Posted by nono1973
3. Making sure i can be healthy (i will touch on this one on a later time,becos my current low paying job today involve medical healthcare,hehehe..),live a longer good life and hopefully pass on later with dignity.
Facing death itself isnt scary, the process of
I deal with quite a bit on TCM in my current job. They might have pay me much lesser than my previous few jobs, but the good part of it is, i have lots of spare time, i learned a lot and the most important of it all, there's barely any stress (the only stress time is when the boss comes to office once a month). And i get paid for practically dropping into SBF to type super long essay postssss....,hehehe... yes,when it comes to job scope wise, i am a little bit over qualified for my current work hence less stress.Those who knew me in person well enough will know i got plenty of annual leave,medical leave, holidays etc etc and many things i pay for in Batam can be reimburse. Job benefits,hehehe...
My current job however help me learn a lot about staying healthy. I dealt with the like of diabetes patients, stroke patients etc, even some
HIV patients,and people whom the doctors says wont live longer than a X number of months and i witness them (in person) living way beyond what the doctors claimed,hehehe...sometime i think i am some kind of life-extender for the dying (i am in fact not).
So, the rest of the time when i am still alive after leaving my current job, i plan to use this knowledge i learned to keep myself living as healthy as possible and hopefully can live a longer fruitful life. And eventually pass on with some dignity.
Note : I also wish to do some good work (good deeds) in Batam too. I understand S$10 probably couldnt feed some people living in first world countries a meal a day, but the same amount could possibly feed most in the 3rd world 2 meals a day for a few days. (S$10 mention here were just illustration amount)
Retirement isnt about doing nothing...its more about doing something i enjoyed doing, hopefully it cost nothing or if any possible, can earn a little bit out of it (just for the achievement).
Originally Posted by nono1973
4. Making sure i can reach medical help within an hour (hopefully so, if not 2 hours or any shortest possible time). This is something which i am working on,even tho Batam is just 50 mins away from Singapore,hehehe...but travelling from Batam to Singapore is NOT 24 hours. So i better dont have any emergency from 9pm to 7pm (SG time). And i am quite surprise Batam actually have 8 hospitals. 
Batam's best hospital, Awal Bross Hospital is located in Batam Center.
It is just nearby the Jam intersection (Simpang Jam). If you are from Batam Center Sea Port, you just need around 7 (seven) minutes to reach this hospital by car or motor bike. Although this hospital is still new, but it does not mean that this hospital can not compete with other hospitals in Batam. According to some of my friends that I asked their opinion about this hospital a few days ago, Awal Bross is one of the best hospitals in Batam which has complete and modern medical equipments or facilities. Many medical doctors who work at this hospital are from overseas especially from Singapore. All the patients here are treated well by the doctors and the nurses as well. It can be proved that many people come to this hospital for medical check up or to recuperate them. However high medical treatment cost will not be a big problem for all patients who choose this hospital.
Now, this is where part of my extras from my Singapore assets comes to play as mention in
number 1.
Now,what do i do with my those "extras" from my Singapore assets?
Read on...
Hospital bill is going to be a bomb,hehehe...then again no matter how, it would still be cheaper as compare to Singapore. But regardless how less expensive it is, an insurance is still needed hence
i will need to look for insurance companies that covers my hospital bill/s in Batam and as well as emergency medical evacuation (to Singapore Hospital).
And what type/s of Emergency Medical Evacuation i am talking here, i guess those who knew me in person will know. There are actually 2 kinds...via speed boat or...the higher end method...helicopter (if anyone remember Samat,the Singapore security guard case; i learned a lesson there).
Of course, air borne medical evacuation gonna cost a big bomb (we are talking on S$10k upward just to bring me to a Singapore hospital), but its mainly for emergency,my last option and hopefully i do not need to use that. Let's also not forget i cant get to Singapore fast from 9pm to 7am as there wont be ferry to take at those hours.
Side note : Travelling by helicopter from Singapore to Batam and vice versa takes about 15 mins. Medical helicopter and leisure helicopter pricing is a big difference in pricing. Medical helicopter requires some medical equipment on air whereas leisure helicopter do not. Leisure helicopter ,one way from Batam to Singapore cost about S$2500 and up (base on enquiry) at Hang Nadim.
All in all, the above would likely eats up most of what my Singapore assets would brings me hence i said, Batam assets is meant for Batam, Singapore ones were for "emergency" or "bad luck". I dont mix both side up.
A millionaire once told me, in Singapore he's just a high class other 3rd world countries, he is being treated like some King.
i said, with enough money, any part of the world would be Heaven.
A small step a time, i will work on it...
(Insurance per year isnt cheap...and as i age,its gonna cost way more.

I am no rich guy, hence i need to plan all of the above and taking those steps on my own. If i am a rich, i will probably just send someone "my big plan" and have him/her settle them for me,hehehe...
Did i miss out anything? I hope not...and if anyone is replying to my post, please do not quote it whole (its against forum rules to quote whole post, especially very long ones). Thank you.