Originally Posted by funboi
I briefly read thru... sorry if i didn't catch everything. Just thinking, what if during emergency, the person who supposed to help you get emergency services actually decided to let you mati instead? Then bury you some where in batam or cook curry and took over your properties in batam?
e.g. Your mistress or caretaker or butler or whoever conspired with another to take everything from you.
So people in Sg tot you not returning to sg liao. Then people in batam tot you returned to sg liao not free to back batam. If really someone report and investigate? Just say duno where he go leh then how?
So you maybe need engage a lawyer to do up all the necessary inheritance and will with instructions. If you don't have anyone to pass on your fortune? Can nominate one of the samster arkaji with u type 555  or donate to charity. 
Reference to My Big Plan..and explanation :
1. Tentatively, my tenant/s renting those extra units would most likely be some closer friends i made over my years in Batam,hehehe..
2. We play "chess" at the void deck every other day/evening,hehehe... (as mentioned in other earlier posts)
3. I dont plan to hold a permanent visa in Batam so i have to return to Singapore at least once a month (by law,i cannot stay longer than 30 days in Batam), to collect Singapore rental,maybe some CPF money and to run some errands. Places i picked in both Singapore and Batam were wheelchair accessible (sorry, gonna think far on this one) to make travelling convenient,hehehe.. and i will be in Singapore for a few days before going back to Batam again.
4. Good people like bro funboi yourself in SBF might probably also knows something isnt right with Nono1973 when he did not make a single post for one whole week,let alone other good bros who followed my post/s,hehehe...
5. Every single time in my Batam trip,
at least one member of SBF will know i will be there and the date i will return (i dont change my return date so far and if i happen to, i have that habit to inform in advance).
6. My online gaming friends (which i knew in person, in real life) would be curious if i didnt log-in to the game to claim my daily "free gifts" too,hehehe..
7. I do understand a "will" is needed to properly distribute my assets and cash as i have just went thru the trouble of settling a case for one who didnt had a "Will" recently. (gentle-reminder to readers; CPF nomination is NOT a "will")
8. I am likely to have surveillance from both Batam and Singapore connected to each other. Which is the reason why i have 2 sets of internet connection from 2 ISPs in Batam (one to use,one for back-up). I might need to get another one (3rd one) when i am settled down,hehehe...well,talk about being kiasu.
9. I will have friends and relatives coming over to Batam for short stay occasionally (mentioned before),well...since Singapore to Batam isnt really FAR away or expensive. Moreover, its free lodging for them.
10. I read about Yang Yin, the young China tourist guide who cheated the old lady's money whom he is suppose to take care of. I learned that lesson there. I can be very confident today of what i said,because i am younger in age but when i am older, i might not have that kind of energy and/or wisdom to judge things as proportionally as today. After making all those preparation and yet still "bad things" happens to me, then there is only myself to blame isnt it? Yes, blame it on my poor judgement/choice today.
Tho you may sound dramatic,hehehe...like some Hongkong drama series (i watch them too),hehehe...well, things you said CAN still happen real life (eg, Yang Yin case etc). i can plan and be be prepared all i want/wish, but we all know there is no such as a 100% fool-proof if heaven wants me to fail in my final days,hehehe...so i will plan and be prepared to the best i could, the rest i will leave it all to fate.
Then again, between people of Indonesia and people of China, i believe that Indonesian were less scheming and unlikely have the brain-power to think/plan too many steps ahead,hehehe... which is one reason why many love the Indonesian simple style of living (less ambitious,less stressful,less greed).
As for how sure i am if there is anything that would happen to me,who would ultimately pick up my old "broken bones",well... friends from the same country has the tendency to keep close to each other, just to "keep warm" with each other in a foreign country,especially friends with similar agenda.
Retirement isnt about staying at home to do nothing,hehehe...especially not confining myself alone,be doing nothing and losing contact with the outside world. My customer, a nearly 80 year old man once told me, want to "live", then better "move". His exact words in Chinese, 什么叫 “活动”,要 "活" 就要 "动"。
Refer to number 2 above, i will likely be playing "chess" at the void deck with my Singapore friend/tenant,hehehe...and what are the visible similar signs of some good chess player? They need to move and think ahead...
Sincerely thank you for sharing.
Nice song Hurt...from Logan movie...
(a very themed songs about aging,hehehe..)
Lyrics :
Originally Posted by funboi
Don't mind hor just thinking drama a bit. Cuz i no marry no kid so if one day i mati those stuff in sg will follow the sg law flow to the NOK or assigned person. Then overseas stuff also must note down else no one will know about it.
then drama more a bit cuz the lover after sticking to you so many years found out u nv leave anything for her then after u die she maybe homeless or what how? she angry u mah 555. Then if u leave property under her name wah jialat cuz u old can't fuck liao she horny find new guy and again they hope u mati cepat
I have yet to come in contact with any Indonesian lawyer when it comes to transferring my properties, doing up a will or inheritance regulations in the country yet, hence on this part, i cannot comment. I will have to work it out when the right time comes. Meaning to say,its a bit early for me as i have no properties in Batam yet.
But there is one thing i know, when i age, my girls will also be aging (no longer young anymore). And as mention in my earlier post, whatever assets or cash i have in Indonesia Batam will be left there (thats of course, my 1st original plan). And i have told all my girls in from the past till today before, if they ever find a better guy than me, do feel free to leave and if they one day played "truant" behind my back and i found out, they can also go (fired!),hehehe...
I dont keep just one "Queen", i keep Queens so they can compete against each other. Winner gets the Grand prize, loser possibly gets the consolation one. The one who got sack (or left half-time) gets NOTHING.
(illustration above were base on my gaming language,hehehe..)
I read somewhere in this SBF forum that a
Man is suppose to make the girl's pussy wet, and not her eyes (tears).
The man's girl is suppose to make his man's dick Hard and not his life (hard life). Sounds something like that,hehehe...dont you think the Grand prize should goes to the deserving girl who could often make her old man's dick hard?
Life is like a game...play well, before its Game Over.
(chess is a game too,hehehe..)
*avoid quoting my whole long post if anyone is replying to my post, thanks!