I have two questions for any kind person who has been in Batam very recently.
I will go there very soon

I thank in advance anyone who will reply.
Any news about Pacific disco? Closed forever? reopened? Predicted to reopen? I moved my first steps in Batam in the large dark hall, before they opened the casino...
2) Anything changed in the last months about 4G Simpati cards for Internet access and the registration hassle?
Are Simpati pre-registered cards still on sale in the arrival hall of Harbour Bay?
My last one was used in October. Maybe still active, maybe expired and dead already.
Last time, I bought my cards at Harbour Bay. and I could not find any other place where they were selling pre-registered cards, including Lucky Plaza and Nagoya Hill. Cards bought in city needed registration at Grapari, which I would be happy to avoid.
3) Telkomsel also allows to register a SIM card by SMS:
REG <space> NIK#KK# and send SMS to 4444
My question is: how do KK and NIK numbers look like? How many digits?
In case I cannot find a preregistered card, I would try with random numbers, but I need to know at least how they look like.
I found the spec of the NIK numbers:
What about KK numbers? how many digits?
Existing customers of simPATI, Kartu As, and LOOP can re-register by sending SMS to 4444 by typing ULANG <space> NIK#KK#. For new or prospective customers, just type REG <space> NIK#KK# and send SMS to 4444. Customers can also register prepaid number through the web by accessing https://tsel.me/reg. Telkomsel also provides a variety of services to enable customers to easily register, such as *444# access menu, Call Center 188, MyGraPARI self-service machine, GraPARI Virtual service (virtual assistance via LINE, Facebook Messenger, Telegram), MyTelkomsel web and applications, as well as GraPARI service centers.