Originally Posted by etsys
As I said, the locals seem to think it's normal
I have brought up this subject of BI screwing folks who go abroad without paying hefty agency fee, with some filipinos including a senior aide to a senator. they totally miss the leeching point, instead go like "well, laws are laws, one must comply with the laws .. "
BTW, how many of you know about PSA ? (Formerly NSO) ? An agency that prints paper copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates etc, and charges money. Yes, an agency who's only job is printing copies and charging - and of late, since NSO became PSA, the old NSO copies are not accepted. Must get the PSA copies - at 100 plus peso each.
It's always FUN in the Philippines, as long as you watch the locals screw themselves and keep quite
It's really the elites of the country who screw the rest of the country. It's a very colonial mentality similar to how it is in some latin american countries where the elite live behind gated communities or have homes abroad where they spend over 50%+ of their time. Then the elites craft shitty duplicitous laws that are designed solely to fleece the already downtrodden poor commoner.
The problem is the average population of the Philippines has been whipped and trained to be docile over the centuries. A friend of mine told me that being docile and subservient has been bred into the Philippines population by now.
The educated middle class Filipino who is educated and has the IQ to understand this usually plans their escape already to another country. The poorer uneducated types just keep voting in the same trash politicians who keep the country sub standard in perpetuity.
It's sad really. I feel for the people but no amount of revolutions will save them from their own manufactured fate.