Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
Hey bros, recently had a bad exp in Sedonna with this girl name Elia. Beware of this scammer bitch. She looks young abit xmm type. Becareful of her cos she will take full advantage of u n im usually the very careful type.
Paid 1.2m IDR for her, the deal was 3 shots morning zao. She only let me do her once, fake fake sleep all the way. Even during sex she act like she play fighting then just hug n not move then act sleeping. The whole exp was a frustrating nightmare. Dilly dally want u to treat her stuff buy her stuff shopping, order in whatever. Now if ur desperate for that kinda attention n ur the kinda guy that will expend all cost just to "make her happy" then sry u will be sucked dry, i feel bad for ur naivety.
But for me, when i book girls, i look for genuine fun n connection, we don even need to fk 3 times, we jus nid to sincerely enjoy each other's company, chat n don try to have ulterior motive in deceiving me then we would have the time of our lives. I always treat my girls w respect n take gd care of their wellbeing. This Elia, believe me i tried to put it in 5, 6 times, she die die contract her vaginal passageway, then act like she fell sleep, touch her she say ticklish, aircon very cold all sorts of excuse. I respect boundaries so ok fine let her be, then when i ignore her she sudd act needy, want u want sex all. Her play to hard game v strong i swear, i nvr get so turned off by a girl b4, to the pt i tell her jus go back sedonna la huh fk. Fking frustrating, she obv wanted to get the btr end of the deal, by just getting away w 1 shot while earning the 1.2m with her okt. I told her if ur not comfortable w sex maybe u shld change job, theres plenty of ways to make ends meet, n trust me she's done plenty of jobs, hop from jakarta to bali to bandung to batam, she coming singapore soon.
The pt is, what i hate abt batam is that everyone here is a cheap fk, dishonest and full of ulterior motives. Im by far not a naive person which is why i always got a sense of their pattern by seeing their body lang n what theyre hinting at everytime we converse, like wanting to zao in the middle of the night, or sudd say 2 shots max when okt says 3, leave at morning. I cant even have the most basic of fun here bc everyone keeps wanting to get the btr end of deal, theyre not happy w a fair deal they want to extract as much as they can which really sickens me. Thailand is so so much btr, idk why yr uncles kip running to batam for some cheap subpar minimum fun. Even geylang is so much btr, well maybe bc i visited the thai girls. Its not even that cheap here, i understand its convenient to take a 50min ferry to batam n unload, but come on la guys u can do btr than that.