Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
A month ago, to much of my regret, I’ve approached a street prostitute, Jalan Suka to be exact, (Doctor says they are not regulated for STD screening) for service. A quick breakdown of what had happen and what didn’t happen.
No intercourse had happened (i.e. oral, vaginal, anal), I went in with the intention of just masturbating. The only contact are as followed:
1)she sucked my nipple
2)My urethra may have came into contact with her outer vagina (possibly vaginal fluid) when my penis (uncircumcised) went limp after ejaculating. Would vaginal fluid mix with my semen at the tip of my penis and would that be a way of transmission for HIV? Or would the short 2-3s exposure of vaginal fluid to my urethra be a risk?
3)She touched my face after washing her vagina off.
4)it was a leather mattress, I’m afraid unknown fluid might be on it and came into contact with my back or butt cheeks.
I had a 4th Generation HIV Rapid test done on 35 days after the exposure. It came back negative. I hope you understand, due to my relentless anxiety, I’m having to fear over this encounter. I have no prior experience in any sexual encounter as well.