Originally Posted by Hurricane88
I am one that must eat breakfast like a king...I no take lunch and dinner mostly veg and meat...oh yes beer anytime after 12pm... 
This is called Health Preserving aka 养生. Not many living human on earth can stood on such discipline to take mainly 2 main meals a day (note, i say mainly 2 meals a day and NOT "Only 2 main meals a day"). The types of people know to do that were monks, priests or clerics from old time temples ages ago. Those who follow such health preserving methods were very minimum.
Its like most human who reach adult age were suppose to take 2 shares of fruits,vegetables etc and 1 share of others (eg fish,eggs, rice, meat etc etc). Most human today does the direct opposite, they took in 2 shares of others and only 1 share of fruits,vegetables etc. How to remain consistently healthy in the long run?
Originally Posted by Hurricane88
oops forgot to mention sleep by 9pm...detox starts 11pm and completed by 4am...by then I am wake up...almost ready to go toilet... 
Much often i ask my friends/clients if they watch superheroes movie from Marvel or DC,hehehe...and if they knew who Wolverine from X-men is. Wolverine has a super power called the Healing Factor, which heals itself fast when he fought with the villains in those movie/s.
We ,as a normal human also have that "special abilities" too, just that a normal human being heals up very much slower than this Wolverine,hehehe...
In general, our human liver helps our body to heal up, and by being in sleep mode from 11pm to 3am helps our body to heal up better w/o taxing too much of our other liver abilities. Thats what i read from books.
The thing is, i only sleeps before 11pm when i am not well (which is not healthy life style). Next morning, i should be feeling much better under most circumstances.
Perhaps as i age, i would slowly learn to be like you, and sleeps before the clock reaches 10pm.
Other readers might think by replying to the above which may seems a little out of the Batam topic. But well, thats becos the kind of healthy living life style is what i look forward to by the time i retired there (in Batam in later years). Eat healthily & lives healthily by allowing my body organs to come to a peaceful balance state.
Right now, and at most time, they were being stretched. At time, even over-stretched too.
Just sharing.
Originally Posted by Hurricane88
...coffee good will drink more... 
Hmm...talk about coffee, if i dont remember wrong, i did read in the vietnam thread that you have tried the Luwak Coffee in vietnam before. If you happen to be in Batam at any point of time, perhaps can bring some over and to make a comparison between both place's quality of Luwak Coffee.
The reason i suggest that is becos Luwak coffee is Indonesia's signature coffee,hehehe... its like i would go around to try out any noodles or Bak Kut Teh (or other food) in Batam that i come across, and then make out to see which is most suitable for myself. The same can be applied for Batam girls too.
Side notes :
According to my own findings, there are 3 version of Indonesia Luwak Coffee.
Version 1, the Luwak aka Cat in their natural habitat (living in the wild) steals and eats the coffee bean, they shit it out, people go around collecting them.
Version 2, the Luwak aka Cat were kept in captive by farmers in coffee farm, made to eat the coffee bean, they shit it out and the farmer go collect it.
Version 3, a machine were create to stipulate like that of a Luwak aka Cat's stomach, the machine handler threw the coffee bean in and allow it to go through the machine which were made to be as close as possible to be like a luwak or cat. When the machine dispense remains, the machine handler collect the beans.
Version 1 being most expensive, version 2 is 2nd most expensive and cheapest one is the 3rd version where they can mass-produce. I think the above were also applied for raw honeys too.
For a healthier choice, coffee is best to drink w/o sugar and/or creamer.
Just sharing....again.