Originally Posted by retirebatam
Probably I was lucky most of the times to manage to book good attitude girls in this joint. This I would like to thank the mami for allowing me to chat with the cewek before I booked her so in this way can more or less find out whether she got princess attitude or not.
Hehehe...luck some time plays a very important role. Back then, if i wish to get better girls from Permata, the mamis were the one i would 1st approach.
Most girls there after a year or 2 would jump out of joint to join other joints,hehehe...due to the competition i guess.
Originally Posted by retirebatam
Permata Indah is not a massage booking joint but a Karaoke booking joint, so there is ample space for seating and chatting with the little brown sugar..
The problem i had there was the understanding of their language, hence unlike you could communicate with them before committing to the booking. However, i use the traditional method mentioned in this forum , take my pick 1st and watch closely later to see if i receive some willing smiling face who are keen to follow me back to my room.
Works for me most time but not always the case tho.
Originally Posted by retirebatam
However I ever had bad experience too in booking cewek in other joints like bad attitude, asking for big fat tips with poor service, wanted to go back early, request to buy this buy that, so on and so forth, etc
Much often, i often tell the girls i booked that what the Chinese coming to batam dislike most were having had a booking girl, who has not up to par service ,lousy attitude and yet be asking for tipping. And i help them understand that most Chinese has a soft spot for good/better service girls, even if they were not top models type,hehehe...so start showing some TLC (tender,loving,care).
If they can hit those spots, tips can be crazily a lot more (base on their market rate) due to the small brain thinking and the level of existing Chinese pride. I am speaking base on what i have seen so far tho.
Originally Posted by retirebatam
I always believe in my sixth sense and another way to judge good attitude girls is by looking at her appearance and the way she speaks. I couldn't said all but most of the good attitude girls are mostly soft spoken, do not interrupt when tamu is speaking, do not drink beer and wear more decent looking (not sexy). Although a book cannot be judged by its cover...
6th sense accompanied by some quality experience i guess,hehehe...and with a bit of luck, the 2D1N or 3D2n (and/or if not more) would become heaven on earth,hehehe...