Originally Posted by nono1973
I mean what so difficult in going to Batam, head to Utama Hotel and then walk the hotel block ONE round?
I break someone's leg, i refer him to stay inside Formosa hotel, its not like w/o his leg he would got no chance to to get a girl within the hotel room itself,hehehe....师傅领进门,修行靠个人. A teacher can only guide this far, how far he can go in future is up to himself, right?
ya lor...ya lor...new guys jus gng on first or second trip need jus stay in utama hotel or formosa hotel. Like tat aldy can fk til drop 4 a 3d2n liao....lol, but human being mind is greedy, they wan choices & in ending bo dai bo ji tio kena fk 4 a higher price...human nature la....lol
Originally Posted by nono1973
Clones? Genuine cheongsters? They dont really matter to me so long they falls under the regulation which i also have to abide (eg,not to go off topic, quoting whole post, etc). Clones/trouble-makers or not, they break the rules, they are in my ignore list and/or no-reply-list. Break the rules further, i report them to moderator/administrator.
I once over heard a complain by T whereby he claims that X is a clone of Y becos G who could see IP address shares that X and Y shares the same IP. Just few weeks ago,i shared with him this long list of forum users who shares the same IP address :
Sad to say, after some investigation, and to my surprise about 80% of them were not clones. However, they have few things in common, most of them uses the same VPN or VPNs sharing similar platform. This is called recycled IP address from its VPN's country's repective ISP.
In other word, you and me are 2 different person, if we are using VPNs, its only a matter of time one day we will be caught with the same ip address BUT definitely on a different date and time.
wen 2 aq & shw em tis quote, & they all tio shock....lol
Lol...nw sep go btm is celebrate the moon festival liao....lol...no fr, jus pigture 2 share share 4 fun....lol
Oh, mooncake fest is on 13 sep lei....
Nice moon....lol