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Old 05-09-2019, 10:15 PM
Pictionary Pictionary is offline
Samster (M)
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Pictionary is stuck in moderation for some time to come
Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Bro, u try to hack into mindef and see how? In fact, end of the day, nobody wins and both sides loses, and the question is who makes the biggest losses. Even a pes E9N9 have to bow to a lieutantant in the army, unless pes F which is impossible to get. And I dun know what's the point of lieutantant throwing directives at E9N9. I dun understand why a need to check ppl's past history before replying? U want to reply just reply, dun want to reply dun reply. It's based on feelings and your mood, right?

Unless u are super rich, have very high authority or very high privilleges, then u can do whatever and say whatever u like, no need to consider ppl's feelings just like funboi who owns a business.

Best is no need to be too clever or too smart. BEC the smarter a person is, the more shrewd and more cunning he is. I prefer to mix someone not very smart with some bad points like fallen11 and a bit of kind heart and also aurahiongka.

There is no such thing as perfect person.
If a person does not have any flaws at all, it is very scary.

Just be normal, write what u want, it can be unethical(it depends) also can bec this is sammyboy forum. U can dun consider other ppl's feelings or write careful. This is a sex forum, not a workplace forum. U no need to report to us.

Last edited by Hurricane88; 06-09-2019 at 04:28 AM.