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Old 16-09-2019, 10:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Same girl serving different customers can have very different attitude in btm (almost all the time) & if u are bringing prc/thai/viet girls expectation there, then btm wld unlikely be for u.
I agreed with this.

If anyone would have visit PRCs in Singapore, the service is quite SOP, just that in China, they do the SOP better. If anyone been visiting Thai girls in Singapore, Thailand's Thai girls would be better. Same i believe for the Vietnamese girls in Vietnam when one visit Vietnam comparing with Singapore.

Its like an apple taken from Malaysia to Singapore, taste is good but when i go to Malaysia for the same apple, it seems to taste even better. Now, i compare apple from Malaysia with those from Japan, hmm...with the expectation i have from my Malaysia apple, i find Malaysia apple would taste better or worse than Japan. But the Japanese and/or other country's apple fan would probably feel otherwise.

Just illustrating.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Man's meat/poison theory apply & speaking on experience. Normally, i do not encourage my own frens to share their btm girl's contact info openly in public unless it's a truly bad experience (money got stolen,scams,ovrnite girl play truant etc).
Same here,hehehe...i wont openly share contact information of any girls in Batam openly in public. But i will share information of a girl who stole from me or a girl offering out-of-the-world lousy service.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Those who does that were possibly okt or sm one related in similar trade.

Another pointer, direct link of SBF's url is banned by Indonesia's isp, just like in Sg. U can share info of a very nice FL girl who work this trade or a special girl in a mp in Sg openly, in no time she'll hv to close shop/move on. Same for btm.
This is what i tell most of my friends in Batam. If SBF is banned in Sillypore, what makes one think that the Singapore authorities isnt watching it? Likewise from the Indonesia side.

And to top it further, what makes one think that the girls and OKTs in Batam isnt looking in this thread or the SBF forum? Since this is an international sex forum, and was also banned by the Indonesia authorities.

I asked some OKTs in those regular booking joints i visited before, none of them has never heard of SBF,hehehe...and most time whenever i book a girl in Batam, my laptop screen inside my room shows the SBF url most of the time,hehehe...those who knew me well enough would know on average, how many computers there are in my hotel room.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Any parts of the world will also hv good & bad girls. To begin btm, they can read starting from page 1 of this thread. A simple 2d1n trip for me with ovrnite girl generally cost abt 38+30+100, ferry+hotel+girl, way cheaper than many other countries. That's solely my bill before bargaining & i often have an enjoyable good time in btm.
Recent last 2 to 3 months, mine was at 15,60,80 for 2D1N. In the next 3 to 4 months, i will try a 0,60,80.

Come to think of it, CNY20 is coming on 25th Jan 2020, i look forward to a 0,0,80...hehehe...and i already booked my room. Maybe next month will go down to settle payment. I am eyeing on October 2019's ferry ticket, that expires on Dec 2019. I need to work harder on the free room stay now, far, i only accumulated free 2 nights, so i have 3 more nights to work on.

Just sharing.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info