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Old 11-10-2019, 05:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Which is why the initial negotiation is very important. And it still boils down to no bargain, no good service in my book.

A rough example :

Girl ask - Koko want to massage "there"?

Man reply - Where?

Girl touch man's little bro with a shy smile.

Man ask - How much you charge for HJ?

Girl says - 300k rupiah

Man says - So expensive, my friend tells me Batam is 100k HJ and 200k FJ.

Girl says - What?! 100k HJ? Not possible.

Man ask - Lower a bit la...i will take up HJ if price ok.

Girl reply - Ok, 200k rupiah, ok?

Man ask - 100k rupiah ok la...

Girl reply - Cannot.

Keep quiet from both Man and Girl.

This could result in 2 scenarios if Man refuse to back down.

Scene 1 : Both party lost,Man dont get the special service and girl didnt get the chance to make "that" extra income.

Scene 2 : The girl back down or try to up the price to 150k rupiah. If girl give in and Man agree, it will be a win win situation. Scene 2 is also the situation whereby the HJ MOST LIKELY have no roaming,hehehe...and that is the time to up the scale in rupiah. Meaning increase the price for the girls to strip in full and auto roaming.
Above is a very good illustration.

I'm lucky i read & today, haven't met a girl in btm who didn't allow roaming yet.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Some bros may think this is complicated, but its already so natural in me whenever i visit Massage shops in Batam. And most of such times, these negotiation is done via google translate, me, such negotiation or bargaining is no difference when i am in JB or Singapore. The one who are not desperate and are clear-minded enough wins.
I think u said that before, bargaining is indonesia's culture, ever since 40 yrs ago, they already knwn to make up higher pricing for their clients to bargain dwn. i agreed with u that those who are desperate enough will most often lose the battle.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
One last thing to add, i usually try the same shop at least twice. If most of the girls in those particular shop dont do roaming, then i will avoid those shops. And under my closer observation, most Massage shops with girls that do not allow roaming usually, either the shop will have lesser to no business OR those girls themselves wont last very long there.
I've this experience before, go back tell okt that the girl i picked yesterday not my type, next one he recommended me bcm much better in terms of quality and service. I think the okt feel bad & he knew he didn't recommend a really good one this time round, i will be his customer no more.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
And wherever there cheaper places whereby the girls who are WILD and PLAYFUL, business will almost 100% be FANTASTICALLY GOOD. Surely not many will like girls who took MORE interest in their own mobile phone rather than their customer's "little bro". Find such GIRLS, and your Batam trip will be filled with better satisfaction.
This is 50% luck, 50% skill involved.

Which is y i every time i am in any joint, i'd ask em if they have any new girls.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes, those GIRLS do exist in Batam. And not rare at all,just not so common (if thats what anyone is looking for).

Imagine the difference between a girl after-sex later would play with her mobile phone and those better girls i am talking about, after-sex later would play (or stay focus) with my "little bro" instead. Thats WHY i am still in Batam after nearly 7 years,hehehe... the girls in Batam that i know i have no chance were MOSTLY from Jakarta. In other words, girls who tells me they were from Jakarta, they were often the WORST of the lot, base on my very own findings.

(Worst, is a strong word)

The BEST and better girls i have got so far in Batam, in my own perspective were from Surabaya, Bandung and Kalimantan. Oh wait, there's Bali girls can be added to my list too,hehehe...
For me, the worst girls i've got were from Medan. Second place would be those from Jkt. This is a man meat & poison thing actually.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Pm-ed you earlier, someone's been giving away October 2019 ferry coupons for free, claimed to have 9 pieces of it. In case your other friends need them,hehehe...
Thx, all free coupons should have been taken up by now.