Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr
Ya. Its also mentioned at the site it doesnt include tax i.e. S$28. Just waiting to get 1 only at the cheapest price. If possible foc. 
Coupon + tax = S$28 on weekday (Horizon ferry)
Coupon + tax = S$28 on weekday + weekend/public holiday surcharge add S$10
Total : S$38.00 for weekend/public holiday trip
Generally still cheaper than walk-in rate of S$48.
The FOC coupon were long gone. As for the cheapest price was S$2 last week and 4 pieces for S$6 but i think it should also be gone by now. So need to wait and see. As the dates draw closer to Nov 2019, coupons will eventually become cheaper and cheaper. Then followed by zero value by the end of Nov.
Just saw one advertisement that sells one piece S$4.50 and 2 pieces at S$12,hehehe...which reminds me of that Batam Roti Prata seller at Baba Street at Nagoya City Walk Mall,hehehe...
Pure joking on this one.
PS : There are still at least few S$2.50 advertisement ones around, none of my friends are getting it becos we already have had enough. And i advise them to leave it there so as to "wake the market" up a bit becos many are selling at a crazily high price.
As what bro Hurricane mentioned, buying just ONLY one coupon just to travel to Batam for once, will need to include the effort on time cost and the Singapore transport cost to it.
Originally Posted by Hurricane88
photos dun look correct...the room dun seem correct too...gals working at Fame wore uniform... 
Hehehe...during FJ still need to wear uniform?
If so, it would be really weird feeling, for both the customer/s and the girls.
Anyway, i definitely wont be paying 700k rupiah for a FJ in Batam (if include entrance already more than 1 juta). Singapore SBF forum advertisement on Indonesia girls is priced at S$100/2/90 as mentioned and advertised before. Some more recently there's an inclusion of average piano-type massage within that 90 mins. And the quality of girls (in terms of look department) were mostly 7.5/10 and/or above, easily.
Base on my personal point of view, shouldnt market price be around S$50/2/90 in Batam? Or somewhere around there, if i compare it with Singapore?
Disclaimer : All above stated were just personal view of my own, as i have NEVER paid more than 400k rupiah for a shot in Batam before. Sorry, its just a meat and poison theory here.