Originally Posted by sohbuckkong
I am writing this post from nagoya. I cant access sammyboy from sbf.net.nz but i can access via sammyboyforum.com
Originally Posted by Kaboon
If room isn't ready, leave yr bags at the reception & then get online from hotel wifi to sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21 instead of https://samleong.shop/forumdisplay.php?f=21 so that u can surf sbf. Indonesia banned sbf.net but not sammyboyforum.com
Yes, you got it right there,hehehe...can still access sbf in Indonesia Batam using sammyboyforum.com but not on sbf.net...and below is the reason...
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
I am not going to keep changing domains it is too costly and they will just block the new domain too.
Note, changing domain can cost a lot.
How many domain has sbf changed/had before? Hmm...sammyboyforum.nl is dead.
Here's another one : sammyboysexforum.com or
...and another one :
Any other sbf links i missed?
Has always keep this piece of note below for the "in case of emergency" situation...
Originally Posted by Big Sexy
In the event when sbf is down, following the above advise, i can always come back here again, regardless how it was banned anywhere.
My solution.
Originally Posted by Hurricane88
How the samsters read now when they cannot even login...anyway they will start asking around when they realised...many just totally dun bother to read in sbf... 
In one way or another, they will eventually find their way back here,hehehe...since majority were specialize in in "asking questions".
I think boss is constantly prepare for such ban since years ago. Next trip to Batam, i am gonna try out all the sbf links,hehehe...just for the fun of it.
Just sharing.