Hi fellow forumer, I am seeking advice from any of you whom have read this post and had experience on STD or NGU before (Or any medical experts here).
On Aug 2019, I experienced the pain sensation at the penis opening and went to a private clinic for diagnose (exposure on last week of July 2019). Doctor gave me an injection and antibotics to take for two weeks. This last for a few weeks (with injection and different types of antibotics) until I was asked to do a full STD test (11 Sep 2019). Report shows that I have HSV-1 postitive while the rest are all negative. However, I do still feel some pain near the head of the penis and was advised to do a mycoplasma test(23 Sep 2019) to check for uncommon bacteria and results shows that there are no growth of M.hominis and u.urealyticum.
At this point of time I felt pain in the middle shaft (while pain at opening is gone) around October and doctor said that I most probably caught NGU and was given doxycline and metromodazole till now (this is the 5th week). Condition of pain from middle shaft shifted to middle of the penis head (i can feel pain inside if pressed from both sideway instead of up and down) and then slowly moved nearer to the penis opening (not yet). Also a sudden pain might comes once a day that can last for 30sec to 1 min or just afew sec and gone.
I am curious that all these while when results are negative, how does doctor determine what kinds of medicine and injection that I should take?
Therefore,I seek advice from fellow forumer or medical expert on what should I do next if the pain still persist. (I believe I have taken almost all kinds antibotics and injection since Aug till now. Very tiring already and moral is low…). I really dont know what to do next liao...
I have attached my report also for your reference.