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Old 11-03-2020, 04:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
like tat is call try 2 improve tourism or try 2 chase all tourist away hah?

reli mus take my cap off my kkj wit the btm like nxt mth april 4th can no go galang liao.
I hear from the news that they are temporally going to shut it off as a tourist area.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Beat mosquitoe...or should i say housefly
Houseflies and mosquitoes arent so "deadly" there, its those "tissue-seller" kind of touting sales people in that coffee shop who keeps coming to sell their "stuffs" which is seriously irritating.

They just keep coming and coming and coming (after rejection) until one of the auntie got really pissed. The explanation from that auntie was, she was in the midst of eating, when these touting sales people approach trying to sell her some sea-cucumber. And the very same touter has been rejected no less than twice. Cant even eat with peace of mind there,hehehe...

I simply told her, this is Batam's culture, what it is in Singapore 30 over years ago. See, how Singapore has improve over those years and once a while, get a taste of the past also not bad.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
ppl here frequent btm more than bangkock mostly cos they r 'skilfool' ,can get abv avg beter gers easier than in bangkock the trick here is 2 read & learn & keep learnin as u r tere in btm.

like the sg garmen's skill future programme says...mus always upgrade own self skills 4 the rite relevant in btm, difference is cannot use the sg garmen skill future credit 2 do tat.

so most impotent thg here is 2 read tis tread as much as possible frm page one, 2 learn the rite 'skills' tat leads u 2 the indo btm world of

once u muster the rite skills in tis tread, btm wil bcum like a wonderland.
One of the main problem with Batam (perhaps most of other parts of Indonesia too) is the inconsistent skillset (and/or mindset?) in massage and other service industry standard.

They eventually lead to some saying certain shop's girl/s or therapist providing very good service,and certain people saying the same shop providing lousy services.

Which is why i often says it here, 2 different person going to the same shop, one can get fantastically "good deal", the other one may not. It all boils down to experience and some level of luck. This scenario can also apply at times even for the 2 different person going for the same girl in the same shop too. Therefore you dont see me replying to post or PM on where in Batam can find the best girl, best joint or best MPs.

My best can be your nightmare, likewise vice-versa. I only have a list of my most suitable. Cheap and good, to me, in Batam.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
look like btm gng 2 hv lots of fun wen they turn p. galang ex wetnam camp 2 hospital 4 cockrona virus

like tat is call try 2 improve tourism or try 2 chase all tourist away hah?

reli mus take my cap off my kkj wit the btm like nxt mth april 4th can no go galang liao.
This is the problem with Indonesia. They obviously shown to the public that they were NOT well-equip to handle the epidemic when they government spoke-person came out to the public that they have MORE THAN 150 clinical stations all over Indonesia capable of detecting the virus but when their citizen (as well as foreigners) approach those major hospital, the answer they got was different.

Only Jakarta ONE hospital has the capability (thats according to news article i read). The rest in other parts of Indonesia...not so sure. Which is why the lack in public confident.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i aso mus need plan 4 my qing meng btm trip beginning april.

& my protection idea is smthg like tat...wich i get idea frm

Dont have to go to such exaggeration, just practice proper hygiene and avoid crowded places should do the work well. Batam is super quiet as it is now comparing to the same time last year, hence hardly there will be any chance to come in contact with big crowd.

If what is to be done as an individual were already done, and end of the day if really got hit by the virus, then it should be fated.

Lastly, try boosting your immune system.

Just sharing.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Thanks for info.
Start getting too bore
Location is at the Golden City area, i think. Quite a distance from the main city area. Shouldnt be too difficult to find with google,hehehe...

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Its understandable that they just only want prevent from getting the virus...Infact i.went to nami at hbb which is quiet and no customer there...
Smart choice, bro.

In bad times, they practice prejudice. In good times, they also cannot expect to be supported. I am no regular to Sport massage, hence it really doesnt matter much to me.

Plenty of good massage places in Batam. More than my 10 fingers could count.Hmm...maybe one day i can list the more popular ones down here as well.

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Infact batam many places is quiet and only till sat can see abit crowd in mall..Btw apotek selling those mask is repacked and retape them in box sell for 250k...I.checked and i know.its only normal.face mask and nv buy...Pls becareful.when you get from them...those with retape only box.better dont buy
Thank you for sharing. I have seen in person, a chap in wet market packing those masks into boxes with dirty hands just weeks ago.

Price for mask in Batam is getting too high to buy. Many were more expensive than buying from Singapore online market. I no longer buy mask from Batam. Oh, and be very careful NOT to hoard up face mask or sanitizer in Indonesia. Base on news, its actually against the law (now) and police are raiding those who does.

As a matter of fact, its the other way round now. I am buying in Singapore to bring to Batam. Few friends are distributing mask, alcohol wipes and disinfectants in small number to hotel staffs and some locals. And were encourage to practice what the Singapore propaganda-ed.

Our point is that, S$1 can maybe help only one person in Singapore. But the same S$1 we bring to Batam, we can probably help more than one person,hehehe...cost of living factor here.

Example, i dont have a million dollar to donate to a temple, but i can bring 10000 people to that temple, each donating S$100. This S$1 million dollar can maybe feed 1 million people (or less) in Singapore, but in Batam, it may be able to feed 2 million people (or more).

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info