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Old 13-03-2020, 12:04 PM
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Re: In Singapore’s neighbor Batam, malls empty, ferry trips reduced as virus fears lu

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
Surprise to be caught in a full ferry yesterday.

People are still visiting Batam, just not as many as during holiday season.
Lucky you,hehehe...which is why i chose to take business class if i am going during weekend. Aunties and uncles too.

Do keep in mind that from 14th to 22nd of March is school holiday, hence expect even more people going to Batam.

I already have a dozen aunties and uncles cancelling their Batam trips, hence end up with some extra ferry coupons. In case you guys want it, just let me know.

And in order to encourage more aunties and uncles to join me to Batam, i have done the following preparation. (trying to keep them the safest possible from viruses since they were mostly over 60)

1. I will be bringing my non-contact key-chain thermometer along,hehehe...not the gun-type which is rather bulky.

Not forgetting some CR2032 coin batteries as well. By the way, this key-chain thermometer thingy is super accurate, i tested it myself...hehehe...but the price to pay is high battery consumption rate.

2. For every 3D2N trips with me, each of them will be given 5 pieces of pinky mask,hehehe...

Yes, i upsized the quantity. Uncles will get the blue color ones,hehehe...

3. Each staying hotel room taken will be clean with Dettol. I will work this out with the hotel housekeeping staffs .

One room 60ml bottle size will be more than enough to clean up the room for that 3D2N,hehehe...

4. Before boarding the ferry to Batam, every auntie and uncle will given 5 pieces of alcohol wipes...

...for use on the ferry and during the 3D2N trip. Which i think should be sufficient for them to carry around with.

5. Throughout the trip, i will be carrying along a 500ml hand sanitizer with me,hehehe...

...just for them (or anyone) to use whenever needed.

NEA says the below ingredients were effective Against Coronaviruses :

Other than the key-chain thermometer and masks, the mention stuffs above all contain enough concentration of ingredients to work effectively against the coronaviruses.

Not forgetting some rags, some panadol (cold and flu version), Po Chai pills and Andrographis, Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, etc etc.

Will also bring them to supermarket in Batam to buy some Life Buoy body wash too.

Will also be bringing in extra face masks for use during massage too. Or at least be given to the the massage therapist and as well as for aunties and uncles to wear so as to help both party feel safe (psychologically),hehehe...i will also be equipped with pen-size alcohol spray as well (to spray on mask after throwing it away).

The eat more fruits with vitamin C no need to emphasis here since i already know where to get those in Batam.

Now, throwing in all those free stuffs in will definitely inflict extra cost to my Batam trip.

Mask pink : S$0.04 each

Mask blue : S$0.10 each

Dettol 60ml : S$1.00

70% Isopropyl Alcohol wipes : S$0.21 each

500ml hand sanitizer : S$6.95 each

Brand new rag : S$0.10

CR2032 battery : average about S$0.55 each


Optional 4ply mask from Vietnam : S$0.50/S$0.56 each
(in case they are not well)

Optional 3ply mask from India/China/Malaysia : S$0.30/S$0.40 each
(in case they are not well)

*price stated above is the price i buy

I have no more plans to buy mask from Indonesia Batam since around February anymore, as it is now becoming MORE expensive than what i can get in Singapore online. The reason why i am giving out 2 ply mask to aunties and uncles is becos since they arent unwell, why need the more heavier duty 3ply/4ply ones which makes them harder to breathe? (yes, i am trying to cut cost...can think it that way,hehehe...)

Just remember, basic mask in Singapore during normal time used to be between S$0.22 to S$0.35 each (at Watson, Guardians, NTUC etc) during non-corona-virus time. Let them earn a bit more during this crucial time,its ok on my part. But if its being price is too far out, then i would rather not pay for it.


To each its own.

*please DO NOT pm me to seek interest on wishing to buy any of the stated items above (i am not a re/seller), as i only keep enough for myself and for those more elderly uncles and aunties who joined me in my Batam trips.

** Price for face mask and other coronavirus essentials is like the stock market, often have ups and downs. One just need to camp on the online market to keep eyes open big big to get the best and better deals. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of free ones too.

*** avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me. Thank you..

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info